-Kaminari : The Park- Kami looked surprised as she put ona pretend pout. He looked a bit nervous when she seemed saddened, but soon came up with the conclusion that she was just teasing him... Hopefully. "(Well, it didnt hurt asking I guess,)" Kami thought to himself as she acted all sad like before telling him what she wanted. He blushed even more profusely as she asked about his first romance."(My first romance... She's someone I've known for a longtime... She's changed over the years... How long has it been since I fell for her?)" "Uhm, well... This girl I like... We've honestly been far a part for a while.... I hurt her a while back, and now I feel that she hates me... But that's understandable due to what I did." Kami lets out a gloomy sigh and continues on. "I'm too afraid to look her in the eye, because if I do for too long I feel like breaking down and crying... I want to make amends for what I did to her, but I'm too much of a damn coward to do so..." Kami almost looks as if he is ready to drown in his sorrows and let it all out, but he does his best to keep his cool as he keeps explaining his dilemma. "I want to show her I care, but I don't know how... I'm such a damned fool... If I could just reset the past, if..." Kamis emoish ranting goes on for a while before he stops with his right hand to his head. "I'm... I'm sorry about that.... I wasn't as calm as I should of been." He looks up to Sachiko, smiling a little bit. He pulls his hand down to his face, and goes into a thinking position. "Maybe if I told you who it was instead of going off like that, it could help." Kamis lips begin to tremble nervously, and he begins to stare down at his feet. "The p-person I've f-fallen for all these y-years..." His speech sounds exactly like yesterday when he had to leave the arcade. "Y-you know h-her.... Kato kn-knows her..." He starts to blubber a bit, and his voice begins to go down to almost a soft whisper. "It's A.... Ayano."