It was only a second latter after he had spoken that Constantine realized his mistake, something which was confirmed by the less than friendly smile the Inquisitor gave him before showing him the section of the hive that they were heading to and clarifying that this area was also the last known location of the rogue Navigator "Pardon m'lord, it was a poor choice of words on my part" Said the magos, standing to attention like he used to do in his time back in the Imperial Guard when the regiment was chastised by a mistake. He then followed Inquisitor Xersus to the tunnels, after he had finished delivering the information of the battlefield, which eventually leaded to a hangar bay where a Chimera was stationed, he had the feeling that the workmanship of the tunnels was that of the people of Krieg but Constantine couldn't be certain for he hadn't worked with them too many times on his time in the Guard due to their reputation. He shook his head back to the present and looked at the Chimera once more, noticing that the psyker known as Sten was running his hand over the Chimera, maybe like the Tech-Priest he had been part of the Imperial Guard for he too seemed to feel a similar melancholy to the one that swelled in the chest of Omicron-Sigma at that moment though his melancholy also was born from remembering his times as an apprentice in the Explorator fleet of Epsilon-Zeta 656. Once more, he shacked his head slightly to dispel such irrational thoughts and entered the armored vehicle and sat next to the psyker and took out his book and began reading The Sixteen Universal Laws in a low voice; however his prayer was interrupted when Sister Mary mentioned rewarding the loyalty of a gang by killing them, which caused his mechadendrites to twitch slightly, and knowing he could not keep reading in peace he tucked his book back with the rest of his belongings and turned to look at the psyker, who was finishing an Iho-stick "Pardon my intrusion, but were you in the Guard before joining the retinue?" He asked him in the friendliest tone, which was not what most would consider very friendly, possible to the psyker after he had finished reassembling his las pistol, trying to direct his thought's away from the Repentia Sisters.