Rui Shinichi | Department Store > Home - Sunday "Hm... I guess she's got a lot on her mind...", he said to himself as the girl walked off and out of sight. Well he had his groceries... So he simply headed home and put them all away. Didn't take long, just putting drinks and vegetables into the fridge, then the eggs, and so on. Rui would spend his time playing his games today, or surfing the internet, but for one the internet wasn't very good, though the better connection should be online tomorrow, and two... Well, there's nothing new for him on his handhelds. "I guess I'll wander around some more..." Rui | Home > Warakuma Park So, there was a park here. It wouldn't interest him honestly, but he saw a familiar face, or rather two. Seated side by side on a park bench, it looked like they were having a conversation. It didn't look intimate either, just friends still, but it seems the topic was rather private. As he walked towards them, the only thing he could pick up from the conversation was "It's A...Ayano". Oh right... Ayano was that girl who ran off yesterday... He wondered what her deal was, but so far it just looked to him like social anxiety. "Yo...", he greeted them, one hand up to signify his approach. After greetings were exchanged, he continued. "So what about Ayano? Did she do something...?", he asked.