My CS is a major WIP right now, but I'll be updating it soon. :3 [hider=Sylvan Ingram][center][img][/img][/center] Name: Sylvan Ingram Age: 23 History: WIP Personality: Really, Sylvan's negative traits are much more prominent than his positive ones (if he even [i]has[/i] any positive traits to begin with). His biggest problem would be his almost severe case of superiority complex - . Sylvan's also somewhat of a nitpick, and always finds it his business to point out others' mistakes and taking apart their ideas. This also applies to himself, however, as he's always criticizing his own actions. Another negative trait of his would be him being extremely judgmental of others. He usually forms an opinion of someone he's just met in a matter of minutes, and will become unwilling to change his views afterwards. Even if the person changes, he'll still think of them the same way. He's also an extremely impulsive person, usually deciding to do things on a whim rather than plan them out. This usually lands him into trouble rather than benefit him, but he can't help it. This most likely stems from Sylvan's curiosity, as well, as this is usually what spurs him to do things. He's also befriended a stray cat - although it technically isn't his 'pet', he's still rather attached to it. When he's upset, he would much rather go cuddle with his cat than confide in another human being. Soul / Sin Tendency: Black / Pride Strength: Mental - courage | Stat - stamina Weakness: Impulsive | Nitpick | Judgmental | Superiority complex | Overly curious Powers: N/A Equipment: WIP[/hider]