As Kami began to diverge into the more emotional part of his speech, Sachiko's ever present smile faded from her face. She certainly wasn't going to enjoy hearing how conflicted her good friend was. The more he continued, the more Sachiko had the suspicion she knew who he was talking about. She let him finish, but once he was done, her guess turned out to be quite correct. [b]"Ayano...."[/b] She could already see the problem. It had to be hard to know someone you wanted to be closer to seemed to want nothing to do with you. If anything, they all felt that way a little, since they had all been a group. But Kami probably felt it hardest of all. Before she could start talking herself, they were approached by someone else. It was Rui Shinichi, whom they had met yesterday. In some ways, it was a touch ironic, considering he was right there when they had words with Ayano the day before. But more than anything, she just thought it was a little weird. Sachiko was an open and friendly person usually, but even she didn't think it was appropriate to intrude on people's private conversations when you had met them only once. [b]"Oh, uh, Ayano....well, it's a LONG story. Very personal, too. I doubt you really want to hear it. I think it would be a good idea if you gave Kami a little space too, he's more than a bit upset about all this."[/b] She hoped he would take the hint, as she didn't want to be too rude about this. [b]"Kami, let's take this somewhere a little more private, shall we?"[/b] She wanted to try and help him with this, but it would be awkward if they sat out in the open. Who knows, half of Warakuma might decide they felt like getting in on his business.