[i](Scenerio One: Walmart, OPEN TO ALL)[/i] Her footsteps heavy and wrought by exhaustion, Ellie begrudgingly trudged on. Her right hand hung loose at her hip, gun encased in tight fingers. She hadn't slept for a good two nights now, her nightmares chasing away any desire to sleep. Her supplies were still good, she had at least a nice few good meals left before she needed more. So why was she making her way over to a deserted, and most likely ransacked marketplace? Well, she wasn't trying to squirrel food, she had enough for a few weeks. But, supplies of any kind would be welcomed. Medicine was her top priority, she'd even accept bandages. Perhaps even a good book? Shaking her head, she pulled herself from her thoughts. Just ahead was the store in question. A large "W" lay on the ground, shattered just near the entrance. The other letters were barely hanging on, struggling against the bolts that held them in place. Elizabeth let out a small sigh, checking her gun: three shots left. Great. Hopefully she could manage to avoid trouble this time. Stepping carefully through the broken glass doors, her small and lithe frame easily gliding past without making a sound, she cautiously tip-toed her way around the first set of isles. Memories briefly flooded into her mind, her few times here. All pleasant. Now...Now, it was [i]this[/i]. Silence, emptiness, and possibly rats. Delightful. Just as she was walking around to the third isle, after finding two cans: one slightly opened, and the other filled with sardines (both of which she let be), she stopped. Two rows ahead of her, barely noticeable, was a walker. She mumbled a curse under her breath, just her luck. It had been a good day, partly cloudy. Threatening some rain, though so far there hadn't been any. Pursing her lips, Elizabeth quickly scanned her surroundings. In front of her, in the next row, was a few books. Some entertainment. Or fuel for fire. Whichever need came first. Though the Walker seemed oblivious, it was a bit of a risk. Narrowing her eyes, Ellie crouched and semi-crawled forward, careful in her footsteps. She could smell it now, the rancid decaying flesh. Like a barbecue gone wrong. Wincing, she reached out and grabbed for a book. She didn't care what it was, she just wanted to leave. Just as she lifted the book from its place, a small [i]krreeeeek[/i] emanated from the rusty shelf. Eyes widening, Ellie stopped in place. Fear glueing her to the spot. Her emerald eyes glanced around rapidly for the undead creature, only to see it was gone. "...Holy crap" Heart racing, Ellie knew she had to leave and pronto. Just as she stood from her crouch, she noticed the head of the walker in the very next row. "Nononononono..." She whispered frantically, mind going into overdrive. "Okay, okay...I can do this. Just-" She barely ducked under a fallen desk as the walker appeared at the end of the row, it's groaning monotone, and haunting. As the Walker got closer, still oblivious to her presence, Ellie remembered the sign she had seen at the entrance. [b]WELCOME TO WALMART, PLEASE RATE YOUR TIME HERE[/b] So far, she was pretty sure they'd barely make a two on her list.