-Kaminari : Park- He let her think of the predicament at hand, and wondered what was going through her head. Kami was fidgity as she said Ayano, as she now knew his secret. He stared downwards and let her think of how to deal with this... Then again, he really shouldn't be dumping personal problems onto his friend... But he felt he had to tell someone or else he was just going to explode. Kami signed as the deafening silence shrouded the park yet again. The silence from Sachiko felt unbearable, and he couldn't take it any longer. He sought to break it by speaking up and taking initiative. "Ye-" Kami suddenly jolted in surprise when he heard someone behind the two signifying they were there. "-AAH!" He turned his head to see Rui holding his hand up as he approached. How long was he standing there? Did he overhear the conversation about him confessing that he was in love with Ayano? Did he know how much of an ass Kami was? All he could do was stare as he came over, possibly acting in wonder about what was going on. He didn't know how to act now, but he looked a bit pale as Rui awaited an answer. Kami turned to Sachiko as she spoke to Rui about how their history was personal, and how he should give Kami some space. He just listened to the response until she made the recommendation of going somewhere private. "(She's right, this conversation needs to go somewhere else ASAP.)" Kami pushed himself up from the bench and turned to Rui. "Look, its not that we don't want to talk to you its just... What Sachiko-chan said." He rubbed the back of his neck as he held his items. "Uhm, I've gotta good place where we can talk Sachiko-chan. We can head back to my place since my parents nor my sister is there for the time being. Shall we go?" --- -Kaminari : Sutoraiki Household- As Kaminari entered the house ((presumingly with just Sachiko in tow)), he dumped most of his stuff on the coffee table, and sat on the couch. He looked back on his actions, and closed his eyes. "(So much has changed in very little time... I wonder what will happen in the near future?)" He shook his head as he concentrated on his innermost thoughts.