Sergeant Feng's breath was hot, and as Carrie's face was spattered with the Chinese man's spittle she stood motionless and unblinking, as if he weren't even there. Discipline and the Corps' image were everything, it wasn't a secret even to her that she was here as a statement, and besides, this was far from the first time she'd been yelled at. That being said, it was now confirmed that she indeed did absolutely hate Feng, who already openly flew the flag of prejudice. Three thoughts drifted through Carrie's head: The first was the familiar image and sounds of the ocean, which she had almost comically made it a point to visualize whenever someone started yelling, completely shutting them out. The second was that for as ugly and scarred a man as Sergeant Feng was, his breath smelled quite good. Lastly, she imagined herself jamming a Beretta down the source of that breath and pulling the trigger until the handgun clicked uselessly. As the Captain gave his brief, the Marine wondered more and more what the fucking point of all of this was. There had to be something more, there seriously just had to, to justify the money and the international support that this program had received. Da Jun's mention of a firefight piqued her interest; if it was worth bringing up, it would have to be a possibility, and it would explain the wealth of military personnel present. But who would they be fighting? Some sort of terrorists? God damn. . Xenomorphs? Little fucking green men? She shuddered at the mention of "U.N. Headdresses", the LAPD Officer's still fresh in her mind, and after the squad's dismissal she dug through her duffel turning each item over in her hand before returning it. The armband she expected to wear, maybe even the helmet, but she'd make it a point to not wear the U.N. softcap. The she slipped the PDA into her left trouser pocket before heading towards the armory to retrieve her weapon, which she'd prefer to just leave locked up and out of mind. She'd scour the information provided on the PDA later. She might even consider a bit of small talk, being that her bunkmate turned out to be the team's leader, it might not be a bad idea to get on this Hyun-Seong's good side.