Finally, they were alone, or at least not in such a public place. Sachiko knew Rui wasn't intending to be malicious or anything, but that little episode sure was strange. Right now, it was time to focus on Kami. Plonking herself down on the couch next to him, she started to try and put together something to say. [b]"So....yeah, so....Ayano. Hmmm."[/b] She was still wondering how best to approach the subject, but she was good at thinking fast. [b]"'s like I said before; there's a bigger problem than just getting her a gift. It's a bit too soon to be thinking of how to get closer to her when you can't even talk with her platonically. I think we all want to try and change that much."[/b] She had learned for sure that Ayano didn't want much to do with them yesterday. Kami's birthday had taken more immediate thoughts on what to do about it out of her mind, but it had been dwelling on her. It wasn't something that was going to be solved simply, she imagined. Maybe with all of them working together, they could try and mend the gap, but first, they really needed to be sure about everything. Sachiko personally still didn't fully understand the problem. [b]"Let's start from the beginning. I think we all know it started with that bullying nonsense years ago. But you obviously think it's partly your fault."[/b] She had picked that much up from when he was rambling earlier. That seemed to be the big problem on his end, at least. [b]"Are you absolutely sure she blames you? Did she say that herself?"[/b]