Name: Sebastian Montague Age: 32 Gender: M Profession: Bar owner Social Network Status: "Ladies free @ Bar None if you're with me ;)." Appearance: [Img][/IMG] Upbringing and History: Sebastian was born in france but his parents moved to the U.S. when he was quite young. As a result, he was americanized and knew little french at all, which could be frustrating for him as a child when his mother went back and forth with his father in french. He wasn't rich, but he wasn't poor. His father worked in a quaint restaurant as a head chef and his mother took up the position of a french teacher at a local highschool quite well. His parents did squabble a lot but at the end of the day it seemed they loved each other with the amount of lamps they'd "accidentally break". Sebastian was never a straight A student not because he wasn't smart enough but because he was too lazy to put in the work. True to the stereotype of his heritage, he was a heartbreaker and a flirt, and put more time into getting into chicks pants than understanding geometry. He graduated high school with a 2.8 gpa, and gave college a little bit of a shot but it wasn't his scene. He didn't like being told what to do and he knew if he were going to do anything, it would be to own his own business. He talked to his father about it and then his mom who was reluctant about the idea especially given Sebastian's drive and focus. It took a year of convincing but she decided to continue to work at the high school for a couple years longer in order to give Sebastian the money to start up his own place. The following year, she and Mr. Montague had saved up the money for him to at least put a down payment on a place, and get the rest in order with the bank. After taking care of all that, Sebastian turned some foreclosed rinky dink place into the bar/lounge he could afford calling it "Bar None." Years later that decent bar became one of the nicest in the city, for hetero and homosexuals alike. Now he's thinking about expanding after all these years when a man of his age should be settling down (he's afraid of commitment). Power: Beelzebub - His eyes take on a reddish tint and when suggesting something to someone they are more likely to do it.