-Kaminari : Sutoraiki Household- Kami turned his head to Sachiko, and humored each of her thoughts. "(Yeah, she's right about that... I need to figure out a way to mend past wounds... I don't want her hating me.)" He felt a bit better when she decided to try and help fix the broken bridges between both of them. Kami felt that she didn't dislike Kato, or Sachiko - just him. "Yeah, I need to focus on fixing our friendship first, and not jumping the ship... (Wait, was that the right saying? Eh whatever.)" He finally didn't feel alone with someone to assist in figuring out what to do. Kami felt abandoned for the longest time after that day when she broke off contact with all of them. Sachiko beginw thinking on going back to the beginning, when all of this started. "(Think its partly my fault? It isy fault though...)" He bit his lip as she continued going on about if he was sure that she blamed him. Kami looked at her as she said this, with a frownforming on his face. He then turned his head down and let it droop for a few inches, and then finally spoke. "I'm sure she blames me Sachiko.... Remember what she said to us those many years ago?" Kami begins sorrowfully thinking about the past, letting his mind be ravished by the torment of it. "She never said that she hated or had any disdain, but I saw the loneliness in her eye when she looked at me and that's when I knew..." Kami began crying as he spoke, choking on the words as tears streamed down his eyes. "I abandoned the person that I solemnly cared for." He almost broke out into a full out sob as he continued talking, covering his eyes with both of his hands. "I did this to her... And aI got what I deserved... If I was just there to stand up for her... If I just took away some of thatsuffering, and carried it with me we wouldn't be in this predicament." Kami turned his head up, and stared at Sachiko, still frowning with salty streams flowing down from his eyes. "Lets face it Sachiko.... I'm a god damn asshole who caused this whole mess! I deserve this devastation, I deserve this pain in my heart." Kami began holding his head up with his arm that was resting on his knee. "I wish I had the courage to walk up to her, and apologize for what I did, but I'm just... Too weak."