Astrid sat back in her chair with her headphone blasting music in her ears as she worked. She was coding and nothing was going to stop her while she was doing that. Unfortunately coding isn't like most people think where you just get a brilliant idea and in seconds you have some amazing code. It's a few lines of code, check, few lines of code, check, ect. And after repeating that process a few thousand times you get to actually test it. The test generally leads to more coding, as you figure out where you were stupid in your coding, but that's what happened. Thankfully after years and years at the keyboard Astrid had picked up a few tricks and she nearly done with the code. Finishing up the last lines, Astrid glanced over it all before downloading it onto her phone. Fun on the go was just fun time two. Looking at the time on the clock of her phone, Astrid jumped up out of her chair. Forgetting that her headphones were still plugged into the computer she got halfway out of the chair before reaching the end of the cable. Her head jerking to the side, she sort of slid down the chair landing on the floor. "Fuck." She was supposed to be getting ready for the party. One of her sisters had told her about it excitedly. Well more precisely she had been talking at Astrid while she was coding so the words soaked in, but didn't register. Hurrying over to her room Astrid threw on a beautiful rose-red dress. The dress was a beautiful clothing that didn't cover her shoulders. It flowed perfectly so as to hug her body and show off all her curves nicely. Fixing her hair, she slipped on her Nike running shoes under her dress. Just because she was looking nice doesn't mean she wanted to be uncomfortable. She forgo the makeup because she thought it was much too girly. Running up the stairs as fast as she could without stepping on her dress Astrid burst out the door. Calling back over her shoulder she yelled, "Hey Nick i'm heading to the party, I'll see you there!" Trying to walk quickly without looking like she was hurrying Astrid felt the bubbly excited feeling most get before an exciting event. Tonight was going to be a great night. Maybe Eli would even be there. The thought stopped her in her tracks. Why the fuck did she care about Eli being there. Besides his perfectly messy hair and amazing looking body. She actually recoiled at that one. Shaking her head softly she continued to stride towards the arena. Something weird was happening at with her head.