As soon as he handed her her drink, she knew he wasn’t going to let her be in peace. His hand holding hers a little more than normal made her annoyance grow. Did she not tell him to stay off her? But as soon as he mentioned he likes books she smiled at him for a moment. “A book? I didn’t think pirates even had brains, you see. As far as books have told me, they were controlled by hatred for other clans of pirates, driven by the urge for wealth and hungry for beautiful women.” Allison did not know how hatred he was, but she knew he liked luxury and beauty, just by the looks of his cabin alone. As for women, she would soon find out. There was no way she was leaving his ship anytime soon. When she finally came to a hold on the other side of the room, they looked at each other for a moment. “Then, what if I behave?” Allison held out her glass and motioned around in the cabin. “Can I stay with you, here? Perhaps share a bed with you?” She quickly shook her head. “No please, do bring me to my cell then. Anything but that.” Her words did not seem serious, but more sarcastic. She laughed for a moment, holding up her hand in front of her lips to hide her amusement. Her next glass of scotch was nearly empty as she put it on the table in the middle of the cabin. It was now clear that she was slightly drunk, when she held herself steady to one of the chairs under the table. Allison knew she couldn’t handle too much alcohol in a short period of time, but considering the situation, being drunk wouldn’t hurt. Everything to forget about the horrible nightmare she was stuck in. “I keep wondering where you’ve taken my bag. It’s not here, now is it?” She pointed around in the room, having to let go of the chair. Sadly, her balance was quite poor right now and the ship made a sudden turn to the left. She slipped, and fell onto the side of her leg, having her squint from the pain. “Auw auw..” Her hands slowly rubbed over the sore spot, making her bite her lower lip. “I am not used to standing up in a flying ship. That is for sure..” She mumbled to herself, trying to ignore the throbbing feeling in her head and leg.