[hider=Marcelo Patrone] Name: Marcelo "Aldo" Patrone [img]http://s1.ibtimes.com/sites/www.ibtimes.com/files/styles/v2_article_large/public/2011/02/16/65855-armand-assante.jpg?itok=VAAMtGCg[/img] General Appearance: - Eye color: Brown - Hair Color: Graying light brown - Height: 5'11" - Weight: 161 plbs - Ethnicity: Italian - Tattoos: None Age: 51 Gender: Male Personality: Marcelo if anything is the brains as his brother is more to brawn. Marcelo is incredibly smart and resourceful when it comes to intense situations. Instilled with a certain calmness it is hard to rattle his cage. Coming from and older family, he is very prideful and in that is very honorable, he does not believe in being a rat or a back stabber, he finds these both distasteful. As a result of his upbringing he can sometimes come off as crabby or rather nasty towards people he don't know however he is not as mean as he seems, truth be told he just prefers to be respected by those who are younger then him even if they don't know him. He lives by many morals in life, and would die before he ever forsaked those moral, he would also die for his family and anyone that he cares about. He is a fierce friend and even greater ally if you end up on his good side. All in all hes an old soul who comes from a time when things were more based on mutual respect and honorable people, some say this would be his downfall given how the world has changed, but he is who he is and that will never change. [img]http://www.berettacollection.com/dave1/Picture53.jpg[/img] [i]Duel Berettas with Italian grips with one extra clip of ammo apiece so total of 60 shots between both guns[/i] [img]http://www.bladeplay.com/images/knives/bfdragonbkrw.jpg[/img] [i]Black italian steel butterfly knife[/i] Job before infection: Italian mob Boss History: (Note: I like to reveal my history through flashbacks and such IC so I will put an up until now history) When the infection first began Marcelo was merely a Mob Boss for the Italian Mafia along side his brother who also was his bodyguard. When it all first started Marcelo sort of ignored the signs figuring it would pass sooner or later and just continued business as usual. But soon enough when the infection was right outside his front door was when he realized the mistake he had made. By the time he found this out it was already pressing on too late, and the entire game had changed. Marcelo organized many attacks with his men, but like everyone else they fell fast to the infection and soon enough the whole town was run down with the infection. Having no other recourse Marcelo fled with his brother and after that became almost nomadic, trying to find some sort of new life in the new hellish world. It went on like this for a year, no general direction to go, just to survive and keep moving never staying in one place for too long. When Marcelo first heard of the Black Mountain he was skeptical, however maybe there was more to it then he thought, and after awhile he eventually changed direction and started heading for Chicago. He is almost there now with his brother by his side, if the rumors are true or not they will soon find out.[/hider] [hider=Luciano Patrone] Name: Luciano "Arlo" Patrone [img]http://iloveitalianmovies.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/ultimo-raoul-bova.jpg[/img] General Appearance: - Eye color: Brownish grey - Hair Color: Dark brown - Height: 6'3" - Weight: 170 plbs - Enthicity: Italian - Tattoos: None Age: 40 Gender: Male Personality: Luciano is more of the act first think about it second type of guy, unlike his brother he is more brawn then he is brains which would definitely make them a good pairing in the end. Coming later in life Luciano was more of what you might consider a spoiled child, and thus he acts more like a child, often being one to start petty fight over nothing and saying dumb things just for a rise. Never being the sharpest tool in the shed Luciano more or less is the muscle and sometimes tends to act like a lug head when all is said an done. However even with these downfalls like Marcelo he is filled with pride and also lives his life by a code of honor, he cares for his family and anyone who befriends him deeply and would gladly die if it meant to save those connections. He too would die for his morals even if they are dramatically different from his older brothers. All in all Luciano is more of the joker between the two, the one who makes light of a bad situation to try and make the grim world a little funnier, he is the guy who will smile even when there is nothing to smile about. Some would say that his child like antics and his jokes would be the end of him, however he is just a young soul in and older body. [img]http://www.bernardelli.com/it/image/pa12_b.jpg[/img] [i]Benardelli PA-12 Shotgun with twenty extra shells[/i] [img]http://www.swordsswords.com/images/products/detail/Double_Dragon_Balisong_Butterfly_Knife_03.jpg[/img] [i]Italian butterfly knife[/i] Job before infection: Body guard to the Mob Boss History: When the infection first began Luciano was one of the ones who was ecstatic about it, more often then not he would try to tell his brother they needed to gun up and get ready for the worst believing in such things as the apocalypse, however Marcelo never heeded his warning and he watched as things got worse and worse as the weeks passed on. Eventually his fears came to pass and their men were cut down group by group as the streets were filled with the infected, with no other recourse afforded to them his brother and him fled from the city with the only weapons they both had on them and became nomadic. They traveled for almost a years worth of time, scavenging for what they needed, ammo, food water and the works. When Luciano first heard of Black Mountain he had a glimmer of hope that perhaps there was a safe haven from all this hell, however his brother Marcelo was rather skeptical. It took time, but Luciano finally convinced Marcelo to go to Black Mountain and so it was, they changed direction and began their descent to Chicago, they are almost there now and while Marcelo is still skeptical Luciano holds out hope that there is a safe haven in Chicago. If it was true or not they did not know, but they would know soon enough.[/hider]