#2 Scarlett smiled as she heard the young man explain himself. "Don't worry, we would've done the same thing." Samantha dropped her hands and watched the two in front of them. "We wouldn't mind trading though! I believe we have an extra bottle of peroxide. As for the medicine, there's a ton in the restroom down the hallway. Sam and I didn't know what was what so we left it there." As Scarlett spoke, Samantha hesitantly knelt down to get the extra bottle of peroxide. They had yet to encounter other humans since they left their college campus when it began to fill with the walkers. "If you don't mind me asking, which way did you guys come from?" Samantha let Scarlett do all the talking, only nodding in acknowledgment to questions or shaking her head in disapproval. After she had found the peroxide, her eyes lingered on the ammo. Scarlett must have not mentioned it on purpose. They had three mags each on their person, not including the one already loaded. Giving one up would be a great loss. It was only a second that she lingered before zipping the backpack up. "Here you go." Samantha said quietly, slowly walking over to them, her eyes darting from the weapons to their faces. Scarlett might have put up a good act of being calm and friendly but Samantha didn't, and she didn't try to hide it either.