Ayano couldn't do anything at all...Her embarrassment got the best of her and her red face pretty much said everything. At this point she could barely say anything and if she could, it'd be full of stammers and pauses. [i]""Ahehe, aww you're cute when you're embarrassed Aya-Chan. But, do not fear, I will help you out, and might I say I'm quite flattered you came to ask me!"[/i] [i][b]"S...S...S-Shut up! Don't call me cute!!"[/b][/i] the girl shouted at her cousin, she folded her arms across and paused for a brief moment as she let Chiaki think for a moment. That's when she had the great(maybe not so) idea to give him a comic book...Yeah, it's simple and the genre appealed to him! Though, it might be a little...lacking, maybe something extra wouldn't hurt? Soon enough, the two were ready to leave, Ayano could've sworn that she heard Chiaki pause a little bit at the word 'friend'... --- Although it wasn't long before the two were greeted with Ayano's little brother, Yaku...He meant well but should really stop poking his nose into other peoples business. He greeted both of them with a simple good morning and she nonchalantly replied back, [i][b]"Yeah, mornin'..."[/b][/i]. Ayano's expression changed from indifferent to frustrated at the moment her brother said the word "boyfriend". Again, she slightly raised her voice and said, [b][i]"He is NOT my boyfriend!!"[/i][/b] Her face was turning red once more, whether it was out of anger or embarrassment was unclear. She was ready to go out with Chiaki but before she could forget, Ayano approached her sibling again and said, [b][i]"You know what...You're coming with us! No questions asked!!"[/b][/i]