Jason chuckled. "Of course, my dear." He replied to Alice, smiling as he did. "You are an Asylum after all. It was just a jest." When Alice vouched for him and their sudden attacker back down, he sighed in relief. He would have hated having to draw his weapon for a simple misunderstanding, and he appreciated that while they had only just met, the English woman beside him was at least willing to offer him her support. "Thank you for that... Now I really will have to take out on a date as thanks once we get topside." He offered with his usual poise and charm, before regaining his serious look. "For the moment, let's go find that annoying little brat we call a Chrono. Shall we?" He bent his elbow out as if to escort her down the tunnel, but his other hand was already holding his staff and quite ready to fight. --- Fiora didn't bother responding to Smartass's comment. Her rifle already had its safety off and if it wasn't for the fact that Aiden had moved in her line of fire, she would have taken down a handful of the Kings already. Just to prove a point, she fired a round past his ear and into the head of a King that was running for him. She was quite certain he was going to yell at her for it, but right now she had more pressing concerns. That was when she noticed a little ledge she could perch herself on just a little off to the left, and hanging just out of reach. As long as the Kings were only using swords, that position would serve her reasonably well. She took off at a run and cleared the height in a single jump, pulling herself up and seating herself comfortably before resuming her aim again. She noticed the medic was firing a pistol and staying close to her partner, so she was in good hands for now, at least. Though the quiet girl supposed her new friend might need more firepower soon. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, but Fiora still had two pistols and throwing one to the medic wouldn't hurt her own combat ability too much. The girl kept an eye on the group as she fired, pulling the trigger once and opening her non-master eye to scan the space before resuming her next shot. It was the first lesson she had learned when mastering her rifle - letting her world shrink to whatever was within her sniper scope was a deadly mistake. She kept adjusting her field of fire to cover whatever her allies couldn't, and making a bloody nuisance of herself for the advancing enemy.