It was a fine morning at Aledine Academy. The new term had started and students new and old were pouring into the school. All of them here for differing reasons, and though they may not get along, or their goals and aspirations may clash and differ, in the end, they all passed through the same halls, learned the same lessons, laughed the same laughs and cried the same tears. Render Wiser sighed in nostalgic content and looked up away from the wards in place. It would be better to see such an awe-inspiring scene with his own two eyes! In a whisper of words, the Headmasters vision swirled, and he was suddenly in the middle of a large bunch of very surprised students. "Welcome one and all," said the Headmaster, his magically enhanced voice echoed enthusiastically through the area despite the open space, "to Aledine Academy of Magic!" "To old students, welcome back, and I hope you're ready for another year of learning - it won't get any easier, believe me - and to new students, learn from the older students about the things you should and should [i]not[/i] do! Better you learn from the mistakes of other than your own, after all!" The large crowd of students and personal gathered were stunned for a moment, before resuming their course. The newer students stayed stunned for a moment longer, not as used to the Headmasters usual greeting as the older members of the Academy were. Several students had fallen flat on their backsides. Render Wiser grinned. [i]This was going to be a good year,[/i] he thought.