Faris raised an eyebrow, not saying a word as the burly man slid past her and flopped into a very used looking recliner. She just stood with her hands on her hips, trying not to sigh or giggle, not sure which one was more appropriate for this man child. First she was a kiddo, then a bitch. That much was funny at least. [b]”Alright I’ll go, but I may drop in again just for another friendly chat now and again,”[/b] Faris smirked, being a smart ass before turning and walking out. She was glad she wouldn’t have to be in charge of getting the booze anyway. She had gotten a whole party planned with hardly doing a thing. That was awesome in itself. She might like it here after all. Faris went back to her cabin and began sprucing up as best as her lazy ass could care enough to. She decorated her room, slipping bright red satin sheets onto the old bed, pulling out her own pillows and fluffing them up. She set out all her makeup on a rough looking dresser, filling it up with her clothes but leaving out her [url=http://www.knitteddresses.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Lush-Knitted-Black-Tank-Mini-Dress-for-Juniors.jpg]outfit[/url] for the party. A basic dark tank dress with some native looking jewelry and black ankle boots. Once her room was set up she got ready for the party, showering, changing, and moving her thick dark hair into a side fishtail braid that laid over the front of her shoulder. She left the last few items in her bag (a personal small stash of vodka not to be shared), and pushed the suitcases under her bed. [b]”There,”[/b] she breathed, smiling. Tonight was going to be fun. And probably end in several fights. But that only added to the fun in her opinion. She grabbed the box that was playing music loudly in their cabin, turning it to more of a dance party station, and carrying it with her to where the party was being held. Hopefully Mr. D was right and the Aphrodite kid he mentioned was the sharing type. She would just assume he was or she might just go raid his cabin instead.