In an Alleyway behind some atrocious Club blasting out some horrible music, A man standing in around 6ft 3" was leaning against His staff, This Alleyway was very damp, smelt funny and clearly had a problem with rodents, the perfect place to commit a crime though a bit stereotypical. He wasn't hear for fun, not that anyone would think that but rather waiting for someone to leave the club. he Had taken a Job, for what reason this man was targeted he didn't ask, he didn't want to know or care ~ if he cared the job becomes personal ~ it becomes personal he loses his flare ~ he loses that he would be nothing. he pride himself on working for both sides of the law. This however was low even by Leo's standards but it paid handsomely, A orphanage worker that came here every day and would leave through the Door a few meters away. it was close to take down. And right on Que the door opened. Leo let the man walk a few meters before dosing the area in darkness, and just as quickly as the darkness fell the body slumped to the ground. and no evidence par the body remained once the light returned