[quote=Ellri] We get the feeling this RP is essentially dead. The lack of interaction was caught too late. We feel like we've lost the spark for it. Morven is a character with some potential, but we can't see now how to put it to use here. Without that spark, we don't think we can make this character worth continuing here. [/quote] It's not dead. >_> It's slow paced on purpose for the sake of folks being involved in other things. Two-thirds of the crew was gone for OOC reasons last week. Namely, me and Jorj were hanging out in person and I was sick when he was here, too. The lack of interaction is due to characters that purposefully seek isolation rather than trying to interact with the given characters. Morven is a neat character and I'll be sad to see her go, but thanks for your honesty. No muse means no posting and it's better not to force these things. <3 PS - I would post, but given that my character has been in practically every other post I figured I'd give others a chance to respond rather than taking the lead so much that I push the story and characters too fast.