[Img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/398ff5a1cc0b47e994b4f2d123981cea/http://i312.photobucket.com/albums/ll322/ribbet24/Weaver/l_8aebb4f4c3d5e282d5a0222f25f97d2f.jpg[/img] Name: Ivalio Itzal Nickname: Watchdog, Wolf. Age: 17 Past before fostering: When he lived with his family, it was fairly simple. It was him, his big sister and parents. They all rarely talked to one another and no one interacted unless if they were eating. One night, when both parents were asleep, he caught a glimpse of his sister sneaking out, probably to meet up with some friends for a drink. He ignored it and soon went to sleep. When he woke up, he checked the daily news, as always, to find that someone had murdered a group of young girls. They had been identified and their names soon appeared. He wasn't shocked to find his sister's name there, while his parents were devastated. In fear that they were being targeted (They had recently been involved in several groups that were quite well-known.), they sent their son to an orphanage, giving him red contacts to hide the colour of his eyes with. After spending some weeks there, news spread fast that several families had been killed, linked with the other incident. He hardly felt anything. Personality: When Ivalio was a kid, he was diagnosed with congenital analgesia, where someone cannot feel physical pain. He can register the tough of others, but sometimes not the temperature. This made him slightly more unsociable, because of the fear that he would get bullied. He's always been emotionless and silent, so much that sometimes you can't hear if he walks to the side or behind you. He is extremely hard to anger and annoy and since he is quite emotionless, you're scewed if he does get annoyed. He enjoys it when others seem terrifying and they get frustrated from not getting a reaction out of him. Fears: He fears the ability to feel pain and for others to know of it. Power: He can see wounds on the body and mind, that includes internal, external and ones healed/scarred over. With the persons mental state, it's colour coded. Other: He often dies his hair black because he hates his natural red hair. His eyes are purple and gold, gold on the right, purple on the left. He does wear red contacts to cover them up.