Robin heard the Sergeant's speech and paid attention to every word that was being said to her; on the outside. On the inside she was doing everything she could to keep from rolling her eyes. Robin grew up on Primitus and had made it through a good portion of basic training before her accident which forced her to have to repeat basic training all over again. Normally she would've been dismissed but the military was impressed with her and felt she had what it took to make a fine soldier. Besides this was to see if Robin was truly over her accident if nothing else, Not to mention growing up in the military Robin knew things about it that the normal person would never understand. That a lot of the talk from the Sergeants was just that; talk. They couldn't touch them at all and Robin knew this because the night before she joined her father told her all the secrets that Robin would need to know in order to survive. That's not to say that Robin didn't respect those in authority over her. While Robin realized that she knew more than the average person and had been through a lot of this before not listening to a superior was the surest way of getting killed. There were those times laying in the hospital bed recovering from her accident Robin replayed the accident to see if there was anything she had missed in terms of instruction or anything like that. The Review Board cleared her and the family of the Sergeant who died with Robin didn't blame her for what happened, but there were those times still to this day that bothered Robin. In the quiet of the night there were moments where she'd wake up in a state of panic and fear, but Robin did everything she could to move past it. Robin looked at her pack and left it where it was on the shuttle and stepped off of the shuttle while she looked around. She remembered this place from not necessarily from her first time in basic, but when her father brought her up when she was 16. Robin wanted to be in the military but her father was hoping that seeing the harsh life of a recruit would give her second thoughts. That plan didn't work out as well because it only increased her desire to join up. When Robin was 6 she threw a tantrum when her parents wouldn't let her get a crew cut, so it was safe to say that the military was in Robin's blood. Robin gave a slight head shake with a smile and said, "Welcome home Robin." With that Robin began to head towards the barracks at a slow jogging pace.