I know what you mean. Lol. That's what will make it fun. If we are both throwing in twists trying to out do the other, imagine all the drama and fun!! Our twist can either compliment the other or butt heads, both of which sound highly enjoyable!! Overall it sounds more fun then having a plot we are following because we know the end result. This way we have no idea what is ahead! (I'm kinda excited!) I can play either character. My male wolves are just as great as my females. As long as you don't expect my girl to be some miss priss who is scared at the sight of blood and loves shopping all day. Lol. That being said I shall let you choose the gender first. If you want to practice being the male, then be male. If you rather stick to what you know for now then do it. I'm fine with either option! :) I would, however, prefer to only have one character. Once we get into the swing of the Roleplay we can add another set if we want. Sound good?