[hider=charry][center]Appearance: [img=http://safebooru.org//images/1246/904f220736182d712fb1d5aae689a472b0cf3a67.jpg] Name: Elise Nickname (if applicable): Ely Age 0-18: 18 Past before fostering: Ely used to be an incredibly active child, who used to always do things with her parents. She was almost always outside, loved to jump around, she was quite the energetic being. The main thing she liked to do with her parents was rock climbing, something that they used to do every day. Now, with her doing that activity, she was donig a repetitive movement, the same thing over and over again. And at a point, she did way too much of this, and as a result, got RSI. At first, she didn't even know of this injury, and thought of it as just pain from a few sharp rocks, that sort of thing. When she left it untreated, it started to develop, and then some symptoms started. One was a bit of a burning feeling, which started to grow even more. When she confronted her parents about this burning feeling, they too did not know. This was a bad situation to be in, a veeery bad situation.They soon decided to go to a doctor for this, and found out about this RSI thingy-mcthing. Treating it was a hard as getting it for Ely, and it soon started to effect her daily life. When she held on to something extremely tight, there was a slight numbness in her right hand, which meant that she couldn't write for too long, or hold on to something for too long, and all of these different things. When it started to effect her life, Ely went into a sort of depression. Thinking that she really couldn't do much at all was soon common for her, and as a result, she lost some of her motivation to be...energetic, we'll say. As this happened, her parents got worried, thinking that they were terrible guardians of this child, and they were heavily stressed. As a result, their thinking got rash, and they made a decision to transfer Ely to another household, as they thought it would make her situation better. And so now she's here, with RSI that should be treated. HOORAY. Personality: Ely isn't really much of an 'emo-kid.' Actually, she kind-of is, but not that much. She isn't sad all of the time, sometimes she can be rather optimistic about things unrelated to her condition, such as making friends, all of those social things. She has a bit of a 'it works, take it' mindset. Some things may not go the way that she wants them to, and most times she is actually okay with that, if it looks like it'll turn out right and well. If something is a good enough solution, Ely won't go against it, in short. When something she struggles to do (i.e, related to rsi in any way) comes up, then she starts getting a bit depressed, getting set back a bit. She doesn't have that though process where 'I CAN DO THIS ANYWAY!' pops up, as she kind of knows that she cannot. Fear: she fears chronic RSI, as her current condition is bad enough. Other: She appears to prefer being with people of her gender, as she thinks they can understand her better[/center][/hider] [img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/983484ab5be3a63f50d57c328a1fe05c/tumblr_inline_na8jpmuPg31s1gwif.gif] FINALLY.