[center][img=http://s22.postimg.org/jtr04y1ht/War_Pulse_Word_Art.png][/center] War-Pulse gave the woman a glance of suspicion as she lightly boasted in her victory, arms crossing in annoyance. To him, she was clearly rubbing in that she got the kill, making sure he knew who really was doing the helping here. He made a grumpy sigh as he let the lady head to the hole first, following behind with a wary eye to the dark caves. One serpent may be dead, but who knows what else could be lurking down there, just waiting until their moment to strike. [b]“So, um, thanks for helping out.”[/b] The woman said, [b]“Although technically speaking, I could have handled myself. Maybe we’ll bump into each other again.”[/b] "Yeah, maybe." He responded gruffly as he towards the hole himself, shoving a displaced rock or two out of his way. If she had really believed that, she would not have protested so much at during the fight that she could only do acrobatics. Something clearly helped her, but he was not about to make excuses for what happened. She got the kill shot, and despite being disappointed in not being able to vent the serpent full of holes himself, he figured he could just vent those frustrations on the next few demons he would see. The woman was not done, however, and she whirled around to chastise him for his other, less tactful comment. [b]“On second thought, I’m not quite sure I can let that ‘shooting webs out of my butt’ thing fly."[/b] She scolded, [b]"That’s so not cool. And creepy. And gross. Do you really think I would do that, even if I had that ability? And you’re complaining about that image being ingrained in your mind. What about my mind? God, that just so, ugh...”[/b] War-Pulse stopped in his tracks, a brow raising to her scorned words. She really had a chip on her shoulder about it, but War-Pulse was not about to just apologize. He was the type to usually make it worse, and he would. "Well what the hell am I supposed to believe?" War-Pulse responded, offering her a shrug. "I have no idea [b]what[/b] you would do, I don't know who you are! All I know is that I came down the cave thinking you're snake food, and suddenly you've created some kind of net? You're dressed like a spider and can make some kind of silk, from where am I standing, that silk came from somewhere...butt or otherwise." He sighed and scooted by her, clearly no longer amused by her conversation. His eyes now began to re-focus to the hellish lights creating a horrid red hue over Lost Haven, his eyes focused on the sky for more demons. "Look, it's was just a joke, anyway. Don't take it so seriously." He said, his feet leaving the ground as he began to levitate. "You got to have some kind of sense of humor when fighting hordes of demons, right? Otherwise the whole thing just loses its sense of fun." And with that, he whirled around to face her, his feet beginning to glow, energy massing in his legs. "And yeah, I'm sure we'll see each other again, Spider-Girl." Were the last words he said to her before a massive detonation left his feet, indenting into the ground and launching him into the air, a smirk etching out from underneath his facemask as he began to rocket through the fiery buildings. He began to scan around for more demon activity as soon as he took to the air, glancing around for anything that may be worth a fist or two in the face. His trailed stopped when he noticed the massive energy fluctuation above him, he swung around in mid-air, staring skyward to see a single glowing entity being swarmed by more demons than he had even seen during this whole conflict. Clearly someone had bigger cahones than he had, taking that many on at once, but his curiosity was certainly getting the better of him on how well the person would fare. He flew up to a high skyscraper, slowly perching himself on a building to get a better view of the unfolding situation. Who knows? It may even be fun enough to join in.