Virgo was awoken by the shuttle pilot leaning across the cockpit and shaking her a bit. "What's going on pilot" Virgo asked groggily "We have arrived at Truman Space Station we will be docking in a few minutes" he responded. Looking out the window she saw the huge fleet guarding the not only station but her new ship. Virgo felt a tingle of excitement rush through her as she looked the ship over it's beautiful admiring its curves and engines. The urge to get behind the wheel of that ship was almost overwhelming but she would have to wait a bit longer. After the ship docked Virgo stepped out of the airlock looking around the station. Suddenly she came face to face with a young service man "ma'am if you would please follow me I will lead you to the conference room". "Very well solider lead on and try not to stand so close" she said frowning at him "yes ma'am sorry about that won't happen again". Virgo grinned the young man looked like he was bricking it. Leading her to the conference room he kept up a fast pace and stayed a good distance away from her. She walked past several guards on her way with some serious firepower 'this mission must be important' she thought saluting back at at them. A few minutes later they arrived at there destination the service man leaving her there. Virgo took her seat looking around at her crew mates they looked like an odd bunch but that just made things more interesting. A few moments later the captain arrived and briefed them. "Well this is going to be one hell of a mission" she mumbled to herself. Listening to questions her fellow crewman were asking she perked up very interested about the fighters on board thinking it would be fun taking one for a spin. Then came the bad news that someone was messing with the probe "so how long will it take to get there and also how do we know there isn't a fleet of ships waiting to blow us out of the sky when we get there" Virgo questioned.