Name: Darren Appearance: [img=] Age: 27 Gender: Male Class and description of class: The Experiment - Marcus uses three small drones to fight alongside him during his battles. All three of them are capable of being summoned through digistructing. Each of them can preform different actions, as all three of them were made differently. The can be used to preform certain tasks, and are easily up-gradable. While he is capable of fighting without the drones, he prefers to use them when possible. Weapons/accessories: [url=]RoBros[/url] - The RoBros are a trio of robots created by Darren's hand, and each has a purpose of it's own. [url=]Atlas Zinger[/url] Personality: Marcus attempts to make everyone see him as a suave gentleman, but his love for loot, robots, and explosions gets in the way of that. His trio of robots are like his children, and sometimes talks to them and consults to the despite them not being able to talk. He knows his own abilities, and despite this will shoot or attack just about anything even if damage isn't dealt. Despite the fact that he acts all cool and suave, he doesn't act like a womanizer. In fact, he plainly dislikes people like that. Likes/preferences: -His RoBros. -Potatoes -Shooting things -Acting suave -Bunkers and Badasses Dislikes: -Bandit guns -Cabbages -People who objectify women. Biography: ECHO Recording 1: "Shit shit shit shit shit shit...." ECHO Recording 2: "Hold them off! Just a few more minutes you guys can get some rest! Dammit... Why haven't I left sooner? This was bound to happen." "THIS IS THE TARPIS POLICE! ORDER YOUR ROBOTS TO STAND DOWN AND NEITHER YOU NOR THEY WILL BE INJURED!" "Sorry officer! Can't do that! 'Know I've been a pain in your side for a while, but you should probably let me go!" "AND WHY'S THAT?" "Because..." [humming can be heard from the three shooting robots] "ROBROS SHOW YOUR STUFF AND GET TO THE SHIP!" [A strange can be heard from the robots, as well as screaming from several humans] ECHO Recording 3: "Heh... We did it boys... We made it off of that rock. They should have just let me go. I mean... I just 'borrowed' a few thousand dollars worth of stuff to work on you three. Hopefully it'll come in handy when we land. We'll need it if we're going to track down a vault..."