"Dude, I'll sleep on the floor. That's your bed. I don't want to take your bed." Daniel said with a laugh as he put his blanket and pillow on the floor in front of the flat screen TV the school so kindly provided. This was the TV Daniel had all his video game consoles hooked up to. He grabbed the PS3 Controller from his bag and put in Skyrim. It was fantasy game and fantasy was Daniel's favorite genre of anything. Books, Games, dreams and life it's self. He always looked at fantasy as a genre that you could express yourself in more than anywhere. In a fantasy world anything was possible. Daniel smiled as the title screen appeared and he began playing. "I won't stay up all night, I'll probably go to bed around 10 or 11. And, if you want me to I'll turn down the TV or turn it completely off. I don't want to keep anybody from sleeping tonight." Daniel said looking at everybody in the room. Daniel was laying flat on his stomach with his pillow under his chest. His blanket spread out on the floor flat, so when he was ready for bed he could roll himself up in it. He loved rolling himself up in his blankets, it reminded him of warm hugs.