Shakuntala didn't want to take Daniel's bed from him, not when she was sure she wasn't going to sleep in any case. She didn't think Weisse was comfortable with Nikita and herself here, but she definetely wasn't comfortable in her room right now, and she didn't know what else to do. "The girl that yell at you is my room mate" Shakuntala said with a sigh, watching as Daniel settled down in front of the TV, which clearly was a gaming station for him. Curious, Shakuntala went over, with her drawing gear and careful not to step on the blankets he was laying on, she watched the TV, seeing that it was Skyrim. Without even thinking about it she sat down, and for a moment, seemed transfixed by the game. Then she sighed, and opened her drawing gear. She had use to play video games with her brothers, and these made her feel nostalgic for those times. She had her own computer in her room, and a hand held gaming console in her room, along with comic books and other such things. Sometimes she thought that her brothers had corrupted her. That she wasn't a true girl. Of course, farming life could do that to. She smiled at her thoughts, and looked down at her blank drawing page. She began to draw. Her habit of drawing people as animals stumped her for a minute. After a moment, she decided to leave it for later, instead, she began to just draw randomly. It was only as she was finishing that she realised that it was the scene of the girl' attack. She grimaced, ripping the page out and scrunching it up. In order to distract herself, she just began during the room around them. She drew Weisse, Nikita, and Daniel. She often had trouble drawing herself, so she left herself out. It was just a simple calming measure, and it helped to make her relax.