First of all, I would like to say thank you for stopping by. A friend of mine, knowing how much I enjoy writing, suggested this site to me. So, while I am brand new to this site, I have been RPing for over a decade. I am seeking male characters to RP with for a female character. I enjoy many time period themed RPs. I enjoy going as far back as Ancient Greece and Egypt to modern days. My absolute favorite time period is Victorian, and then the Highlands of the 12th century to the 17th century are utterly fascinating to me. I find it interesting to toss in some fantasy aspects to an RP, such as magic or mythical creatures. Spelling and grammar comes easily to some more than others. I am not a complete stickler for it, but I would prefer to read a post that's written properly. If not, I may find myself more frustrated by trying to understand what's being said than enjoying the fluidity of a post. Also, please know that when it comes to sexual rps, I am not one of those people who dives in [b]head-first[/b], jumping at the opportunity. I prefer rp with romance, action, drama. Mystery is a given with RP. Now, this does NOT mean that sex won't be [i]involved[/i] in rps. It simply means that I'm not looking for an rp one-night-stand type thing. If this has confused you, feel free to ask me more about it. And lastly, I don't have a problem with females rping males. But if you are searching for me to RP as a male, please know this: I am more than glad to RP as a male, as some of my RP friends know to be true. But I also enjoy RPing as a female. So if we are to create a story, please be prepared to play a male as well. If any of this as intrigued you or you are curious and/or have ideas, do not hesitate to PM me. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Sincerely, The Siren