[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/b8NXazl.png][/center] --- [quote=Plot] [i]Not so long ago, humans had exhausted the last of Earth's natural resources, resulting in the gradual death of the planet. Consequently, mankind began to dwindle along with it. After some time, the human population had reached critical numbers. Fearing for the total extinction of human life, the remaining world governments united together to build grand spacecrafts that would carry what was left of humanity into space and, hopefully, find mankind a new home. They succeeded. The ships left Earth behind, carrying remnants of a once widespread race, and traveled the stars in search of a new habitable planet. However, they would never reach one like Earth. Instead, the ships soon crashed onto a planet five times the size of Earth and covered near entirely by oceans; humans have come to call the planet: Aquara. It once again seemed like the end until the humans were finally rescued by the Maereans - a native, sentient race that lived beneath Aquara's oceans. Like humans, Maereans primarily breathed air and so they created vast bio-domes underwater as their towns and cities. The kind, hospitable Maereans had welcomed humans to live amongst them. Nearly three centuries have passed and the human population has once again thrived with the help of the Maereans. The two races now coexist peacefully on Aquara; their lives deeply intertwined with one another. Astoundingly, the two species are so compatible with each other that they are even able to produce offspring together: the half human, half Maerean people known as Maerns. Life had returned to normal for mankind and now their sense of curiosity and exploration came into play. Humans were surprised to learn that their Maerean neighbors had yet to fully explore Aquara. But alas, Aquara is a colossal planet with far more mystery to it than Earth ever had. This prompted the creation of hi-tech submarines that would give the two species the necessary tools to finally explore their world to the fullest. While some used these submarines to explore the mysteries Aquara have to offer, others saw it as a new lease on life. And then there were those who saw opportunities for both with these impressive new vessels. This story focuses on such a ragtag crew of adventurers who have equal desires to explore the vast watery world they call home and to make a decent living off of their vessel even though sometimes their activities aren't exactly legal. With their pasts, hopefully, left behind them, they make their new lives aboard the carrier-class submarine: the [b]Pisces[/b].[/i][/quote] --- Basically, the idea of this RP is to capture the motifs, ideas, and atmosphere of a Sci-fi space exploration adventure and recreate those aspects in a vast underwater setting. This RP is set in the future for those who haven't already guessed it and so the technology is incredibly advanced aside from the limitation of actual space travel. Each participant's character will have a specific role on the Pisces crew and you can play as either a human (the majority of participants will play human characters), a Maerean, or a Maern. Some Maereans and Maerns have the ability to control and manipulate water as well as telepathically communicate with certain aquatic lifeforms. For the sake of this RP, you will have the option to make a character with those abilities but I will only be accepting one or two characters with those unique skills. A disclaimer: I can only accept a limited number of characters. The format of this RP will be heavily story focused, proceeding by chapters and seasons. The majority of chapters will likely be episodic with each season having an overarching plot. If you have an idea for a chapter, you are welcome to discuss your idea with me via PM. Of course, all of this is dependent on the level of interest this RP might or might not receive. --- [center][i]If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.[/i][/center]