A long time ago, when castles conquered the land and Kings sat in their thrones. And when monsters ravaged the peaceful lands. There was one that roamed the deep dark woods near the kingdom of Calviar, a forest citizens fear. It is said a beast lives there and anyone who enters, never returns. Many brave knights have ventured into the forest, in a chance to slay the beast and bring everlasting peace for their king. Yet they were never successful. Rumors of vicious snarls, agonized screams, and fearsome howls that came from the forest spread so much that people feared for their lives in their own home. But the beast had never stepped out of its home... The full moon hung brilliantly above the dark sky that was decorated in beautiful starlight. The forest a pitch black, save for a few clearings that showed this. One particular clearing had a gentle waterfall with a pool at the bottom, and a gentle stream. White flowers decorating the clearing that glowed brilliantly under the moonlight. A very large figure padded along the clearing, fur black as night and eyes a bright glowing blue. It looked like a wolf, but it was about the size of a horse. Her name was Zari, a werewolf that lived in this dark forest. The beast everyone feared. Stretching out, she glanced to the cave behind the waterfall which she used as her home. To be honest, it was a bit lonely being here all alone. Yet there was no one of her kind. Snorting she padded through the dark woods, fluffy tail swishing as her ears perked in alert as she listened for any intruders.