Nikita didn't think it would hurt to stay a little longer in the room with Weisse, she had no one in her own room that was waiting for her safe return as of yet, so it didn't matter if she killed some time before light's out. The blonde went to the tin can of cookies and placed the top over the rest. She decided that she would just save the rest for tomorrow, she was sure that Daniel or Tala would be more than happy to eat it. When Weisse told her to sit she had picked a spot on a computer desk chair, it was on Weisse's side of the room and she watched him place his things back on the bed. Actually Nikita was about to ask what was in the bag when he spoke his prediction that soon came true. Turning her head to look at the two walk in, Nikita chuckled and gave Weisse a look. "You are psychic." She teased, giggling and waving hello to Daniel and Tala, she than looked at what Tala had in her posession. Her inner question was answered when Daniel announced that Tala would be staying in the dorm with the two boys. She blinked and looked between the three. Was that...even allowed?... [b][i]"...And besides, I think there was still cookies"[/i][/b] Nikita smiled and handed her the tin as Daniel left to take a shower. "Here, plenty more." She smiled and scooted the chair closer to Shakuntala. "Us girls need to stick together, I believe is American saying." She pointed her finger up and giggled, looking to Weisse as he was the only boy in the room...Well boy in mind and body. As time went by Nikita asked Shakuntala about the guitar, Who taught her how to play? She also praised the fact that guitar players were very talented and she was never able to learn herself. She than became fascinated by the bow and arrow and asked how long she had practiced with the weapon. It wasn't long till Daniel came back in with his question. Of course Nikita had no problem with it, she had been exposed to hairy man chest and penises all her life, as well as breast and vaginas...lets just say that Nikita didn't find vaginas and breast attractive in a sexual way, though he does dream of one day having some of his own... With that thought she sighed and gave a sad sort of smile before Daniel began to speak. [b][i]"So, I have a feeling people think I attacked the girl."[/i][/b] Nikita frowned and continued to listen to Daniel's dilemma. [b][i]"Nikita do you want the sofa? It folds out into a bed."[/i][/b] "Oh no, no It's alright." Nikita said with a light pink blush on her cheeks, once again her hands were up in front of her chest and shaking from side to side in protest. "I live next door, so only hop-skip-jump away...I think is saying..." A finger pressed against her chin as her lips began mouthing the saying in silence. She just stopped and shrugged, her embarresement rising. "Besides, my room is less," she waved her arms in the space of the room. "Packed in." She said and eyes widened. "No offense, please. I have less things now that I unpacked." Nikita commented, these four years made her master at storing stuff in the room. It was a maybe a couple of minutes later, after Daniel had set up his spot and began to play games, also when Tala moved the spot to begin drawing, that Nikita yawned. She covered her mouth and smiled shyly. "Excue me." She commented softly and got up, moving the chair to where it belonged and took her tin of cookies. "I should be getting back to my room. Today was too much for a first day back on campus." For a quick moment there was a hard, uneasy look in her eyes, but those lovely green orbs went back to pleasent as she made contact with the others. "Shakuntala," Nikita took in the drawing female's form on the floor. "I believe is proper to sleep in my room. Daniel and Weisse are still men after all in mind. For tonight stay in my room." She looked to the boys. "It is proper thing to do." She reminded them, giving them that mommy look of dont-argue-I'm-right. She was their senpai after all. "Good night Daniel, good night Weisse." She bowed respectfully to the boys. Than a knock to the door. It was probably the RA, at least it was what Nikita thought. Going to the door the blonde had a feeling she was going to have to explain the reason why there was a girl in the dorm...or explain why she was there and than have to explain that she was, unfortunately, male. "Good Evening-" There was a pause in her greeting as she looked up at the Vice President of the student council, Takeshi Maetaka. He was also rumored to be in a club known asa the Occult Club in the school. That rumor which Nikita had deduced to be true since he was close friends with the Branfords Siblings. It wasn't that she disliked Maetaka, she just did not enjoy his stubborness when it came to flirting with women. Of course Nikita was well aware of Maetaka, though he, and the Branfods might not be so well-informed about her. "Maetaka-sama." She finished with a small smile on her pink lips. She had once had a crush on him, before she realized how infamous he was with a woman's heart. Of course she was a woman of honor and would not be caught in a spider's web such as matter how handsome...and tall...and-нет!NET!No! A strong, independent, transgendered woman like Nikita needed no skirt chaser!...was that the saying... She believed there was a 'black' added there somewhere but...Nikita wasnt black... Still! The same meaning applied that Nikita would be one of the many few girls to fall under Maetaka's lovely...strong...breathtakingly beautiful gaze.... 'Я собираюсь надрать вам .*' Her thoughts threatened. With a kind, bright smile, Nikita took Shakuntala's arm, hoping she had grabbed her things. Turning her head, she looked to Weisse. "Remeber about after 7. The same for Daniel." She gave Weisse a soft smile for a good night and tried not to be disrespectful when moving past the fourth year, and into her room next door. "Мне не нравится этот парень . Независимо от того, является ли красивое имя .**" She said, her normally soft green eyes, hard and glaring at the now closed door. *I'm going to kick you. **I do not like this guy. Regardless of whether it has a beautiful name .