[center] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YEEDFbys4Jk/T_HzhZWJY3I/AAAAAAAABHo/XCj73LbPOs4/s1600/ichigo_mugetsu_by_coxdri-d2z9etg.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Kage Borne [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Kage is a tall young man, standing around the height of 6 feet, give or take an inch. His skin is rather...pale. It sort of has that tone you would see out of someone that spends an equal amount of time outdoors as he does indoors. His build is also peculiar. While most that comes from his town are either bone thin, or a bit overweight, Kage has a very lean, streamlined, and muscular look about him, from years of training. He weighs something close to 160 or 150, as this goes hand in hand with his build...let's just say a kick or punch from him will send you flying with broken bones and broken dreams, while attempting to run from him will leave you with a similar death. A narrowed, half-lidded appearance his crimson eyes hold, they are lashed by thin eyelashes. Kage's features would be described as 'angular' or 'mature', with chiseled cheek bones and a sharp, yet defined chin. His hair is a midnight-black pool. While it isn't curly, his hair wouldn't be described as straight either. It can be called wavy, because, as stated, it was a mix of the two. It's also rare to see Kage comb or brush it, as he prefers the mismatched strands and such. His eyebrows, sharp and arched, matches his hair color, as in most cases. [b]Class:[/b] Ronin [b]Race:[/b] Human, with a quarter of elf blood - as evident by his lightly tipped ears and enhanced agility/speed. [b]Weapons:[/b] Razor sharp [url=http://www.geishasblade.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Ultimate-Tensa-Zangetsu-Machine-4.jpg]katana[/url], a midnight black. The sheathe for it is also used for blocking person, along with the draw-slash method. He also carries a tanto blade on his lower back, horizontally. Knows a bit of magic - using black magic in combination with blurring sword slashes. [b]Armor:[/b] On his upper torso, Kage simply wears a set of dark gray armor that is skin-tight, giving off the impression of paper bandages. It keeps his right arm un-wrapped for increased agility. Along with this, he wears a pair of baggy black armored pants that resembles something similar to samurai hakuma. [b]Allegiance:[/b] Shadow Alliance - An elite guild of ronins. The 'leader', with that 'leader' being Kage, usually takes the most dangerous missions, whilst also giving contracts and assignments to the members. [b]History:[/b] To be seen later. However, know that he was trained to murder ever since a young age, and he has been sent from samurai to samurai, from ronin to ronin, learning to master the art of the blade. [/center]