[Center][img=http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i452/Hillanx/Redhoodlogo_zps988d8b1e.png][/center] Jason hadn't returned to the simulation room after his smoke-break. He had hit the gym, after changing into jogging pants, tank-top and removed his shoes. He had done acrobatic exercise, push-ups, sit-ups, and trained his martial arts on one of the many rather harshly beaten dummys. Letting out a roar, he punched one last time on the dummy, his fist colliding with it, sending the dummy swinging backwards. Jason panted slightly, sweat running down his face. He looked at the digital stop-watch he had in his pocket. The watch displaying both time, and how many hits the former boy-wonder had delivered. “Shit. Not fast enough.” Jason cursed. He sipped from the water-bottle he carried with him, as he groaned again. Taking a few steps towards the exit of the gym, towards the shower-room. He turned around, spinning on his heel, towards the boxing-sack. Kicking the sack so hard it tore off it's hinghes, the sack sliding on the floor as Jason left the gym. He showered, and came back to his room, to find a message on his phone. “Nine Minutes ago. Rose.” He read it, but didn't bother to respond. He put on his costume from his bag. The protective gear seeming baggy on his body, till he pressed a button, and the costume fit nicely on his well-toned body. He put on a pair of black leather pants over the tight suit, as well as his brown leather jacket. The red domino mask was on his face, the boy fixing his hair for a second. He grabbed his utility belt and strapped it around his waist, holding the pants in place. He grabbed the red helmet as he walked out of his room and towards the outside of the tower, passing Iron Fist on the way. “Heading out. Boy-Wonder business. I'll be back.. Later. You owe me a real tour of this place.. And a sparring match!” Jason informed his senior before he'd headout and take his motorcycle towards his and Rose's usual hang-out.