Mid-drink, Kirina jolted. A boy had suddenly appeared out of nowhere and asked to touch her hair. She almost choked on her drink. Gathering her bearings, Kirina let out a warm smile as she nodded quietly. Standing perfectly still she leaned forward and let him touch her hair. For a moment she was glad that she didn’t throw it up in the usual bun. The red hair cupped her round cheeks, and made the freckles that sprinkled her face stand out. She grinned at the boy, “Th-Thanks! I don’t really have to do much with it.” Kira looked down at her chest, then at the boy’s. “We.. uhm.. We were supposed to get name tags?” Her cheeks flushed bright red as she tried to remember if she passed a table or a booth where they handed those out. She couldn’t recall. Putting out a hand she smiled again, running her other hand through her red hair. “I’m Kirina! Nice to meet you.” Just as she was about to ask the boy some questions, another student asked when the partying would start. “Already huh?” Kirina muttered with a small sigh. It wasn’t that she didn’t like partying, in fact she actually really liked it, it was more that she couldn’t. Unfortunately for her, her weak body wouldn’t let her do a lot of things that she liked. With a small shake of her head she turned her attention back towards Asher. “What are you majoring in? I’m majoring in film, but I like to tell people I’m majoring in disappointment because that’s what my parents would say. I just love making movies and stuff, it’s a lot of fun! I directed a play at my high school during senior year, it was great!” Kirina slammed a hand over her mouth. “Oops. I’m rambling. I do that a lot, sorry.” She stopped talking, embarrassed at herself, and gave the boy a chance to talk too.