Three people in ten hours. I'm so happy! XD Thank you, everyone, for being interested. To answer your first inquiry Redwing, we will be role-playing here, on the Guild site. The one I created is for the purpose of properly ordering and displaying information regarding the role-play. If I were to put everything on the OOC, it would become an incredibly long post, which I doubt will be a blessing for those looking for something specific. The site offers an easy access to the information and saves you the time of scrolling through piles of text in one post. Regarding your second question, I was rather tired last night and did not put a character sheet in my first post. I will put the sheet in the edited version of this post in a few minutes, but I would like to get the response out first. When it comes to the character sheet, I don't want any area to be left blank or erased. I will specify where you can simply write "none", but don't do so where I haven't. I would also like to note here that you can ask for someone to be a relative to your character. I will be playing a few characters, since I need to keep all sectors in check. If anyone is looking for relatives, feel free to ask me or anyone else. Finally, the answer to the last one is that I would love them to be anime, but if your personal preference is real pictures, I have nothing against it. Considering your avatar, I am guessing that you will be going for anime X3 [center]EDIT Please, PM me the character sheets.[/center] [hider=character sheet] Please, edit the coding on the sheet. [b]Name:[/ b] [ full real name ] [b]Nickname/Alias:[/ b] [ if any ] [b]Age:[/ b] [ The age of your character must be acceptable for their occupation. ] [b]Gender:[/ b] [ Male, female, transgender ] [b]Orientation:[/ b] [ Heterosexual, homosexual,asexual, bisexual. For anything else, I would like you to ask me personally. ] [b]Race:[/ b] [ A biological term. A character can be from one race of a mixture of many. Regardless of your choice, you will have to specify this in the History section. ] [b]Ethnicity:[/ b] [ What your character identifies with. They can identify with one culture or consider themselves "a mix".] [b]Spoken languages:[/ b] [ If you wish for more than two, please note the learning process in the History section.] [b]Occupation:[/ b] [ Student, member of D.O.G., member of C.A.T., office worker, baker, lawyer, NEET, etc.] [b]Position:[/ b] [ Grade 9 Biology class, Rank 2 detective, "tiger", small shop keeper, etc. ] [b]Relationship status:[/ b] [ Married, Dating, Single.] [b]Crush:[/ b] [ if any ] [b]Dwelling place:[/ b] [ apartment, house, car, hotel, etc. ] [b]Living location:[/ b] [ Which district does your character live in? For notebook owners it is preferable to come from Oso district.] [b]Appearance:[/ b][ Anything concerning the body, such as eyes, hair, skin, height, proportions, blood type, modifications, etc. ] [ Include a picture to your liking, if you wish. ] [b]Attire:[/ b] [ The clothing and style of your character in different situations. ] [center][b]|| Personality ||[/ b][/ center] ( write here ) [center][b]|| History ||[/ b][/ center] ( write here ) ( A note to all potential notebook owners: Do not write down how you found your desired notebook, because we will begin the role-play with the characters finding their notebooks. ) [b]A few likes in general:[/ b] 1. 2. 3. (more?) [b]A few dislikes in general:[/ b] 1. 2. 3. (more?) [b]Alergies, phobias and medical conditions:[/ b] (if any) [b]License:[/ b] (if any) (driver's license, gun license, etc.) [b]Pets:[/ b] (if any) [b]Themesong:[/ b] (if any) [b]I would like to:[/ b] [ Here you may write if you wish your character to be the owner of a notebook, what you would like to see in the story's future, any commentary on the plot, suggestions and the like. ][/hider]