[b][u]Liveria, Elrithos[/b][/u] --- His first task for the Queen’s Blade. Elrithos had only been this nervous maybe twice before in his lifetime. Yet this time, the difference was that it wasn’t the lives of his people that were at stake, but many more than that. However, he still held his composure and his cool as this mission seemed to be of great importance and he couldn’t let anyone down. It was important that all the missions the Queen’s Blade was put on had to be a success. It wasn’t a hard way to think about it… He had been doing it for many years. His eyes wondered the small traveling group, a little mystified by his new surroundings. Having lived in the desert all his life, this was a whole new change in scenery. It was truly a wonderful view, all of this. Even the people he had gathered with were mildly astonishing. The elves with the dark skin had been the biggest surprise of the bunch, as he had never seen any of their kind baring the ashen skin. Why was it so? He would surely figure it out or at least he would be told one when time comes. The first appearance of the signposts of skulls was a surprising sight, but when told that they were orcs, a savage species, it made a lot more sense. It was a simple sign to warn people that coming into their territories would mean probable death if they were unwelcomed. This was disregarded, but Elrithos would keep note of it. The Aavikanian kept quiet for now, letting the lead discuss about what was to come. Instead, he kept his eyes open to his environment. The notice of malformed, twisted evil walking around meant that something much greater than simple orcs were at hand there. Now the elf wondered if there were any connections between the two. They eventually came to the small clearing, his eyes set on the path ahead. The rocks… His eyes set on them. Something was clearly off and it seemed that the lead had noticed it too. They came to a halt and Elrithos looked around him. It was an obvious site for an ambush, but of what nature? Was it a trap or a surprise attack? This lead to him picking up on the conversation of those ahead of him. Wait… It wasn’t the best idea. And so, he led his horse to come right behind them. [b]‘’If you do not mind having me putting my opinion on the matter…’’[/b] It was easy to hear that he spoke with a thick accent, hinting out that this wasn’t a language spoke too commonly [b]‘’It would be best we do not wait for them to strike. It would let them time to adjust to our position and possibly make a better ambush. Worst, they could have time to send people behind us and block our exit route.’’[/b] He then lifted his head to look around, thinking of a possible plan of action. [b]‘’We could try to provoke them instead, have them be forced to come out. If these are truly savages, then they will answer our lure, even if they have a strong chief.’’[/b] He did not know if they would heed his words, but it was the best thing they could do. Savages were bound to make mistakes if they were taken by surprise in their own ambush.