He didn't want to be there. He hated being within such close proximity to so many other people, and he wanted to get out of the club. He wasn't claustrophobic, but he just hated being around mass amounts of people. He had tried to keep himself calm several times, but it didn't seem to work as he seemed just as uncomfortable as before. Luckily, someone shouting above the music was enough to bring his attention away from how uncomfortable he was and over to whatever was going on. Both of his boots made small noises upon impact with the ground, but they were slightly heavy, and made out of metal, so the sound couldn't be avoided. Luckily the sound was drowned out by the music, so it wasn't heard by nearby people. The young man maneuvered through the crowd to find out who was the one who shouted. It was easy to find them since they were fighting, and much easier once the beowolves came in. He knew what the grim where, and he knew how dangerous they could be if not approached correctly. It seemed that other had joined the fight while he thought about the disgusting creatures, and simply watched the fight instead of joining in.