I'm not opposed to having a third or fourth join us, though keeping it to the two of us would ensure the integrity of the overall experience. I have a pretty solid contact list, so whatever medium you choose, I welcome friendly reminders and such(though I did have a partner on here once that was virtually stalking me. Like, virtually. Stalking. Posting every couple hours was a requirement, and sleep a privilege). The reason I chose a steam-punk theme--though a lot of my inspiration comes from various anime-- was for the stylistic value. The steam-powered structures in SteamBoy look to me like mechanical rainforests, amazon jungles of copper, tin and iron. I would highly recommend it to anyone, though it’s only a visual reference regarding this roleplay. The stories are nothing alike. We don’t have to get incredibly in-depth with the Character-sheets, but I do want the characters to be fleshed-out well. With the two of us trying to cover the many roles that are bound to spring up from this plot, I feel like a lot of the character complexity will be lost, but we can make up for that with the over all progression. I was actually able to find some bits from my posts in the previous version of this rp --thank goodness for GoogleDocs-- so I’ll put them up for you to see. I’ll wait for you to reply before committing to an opening post. [hider=previous first post]The sun was just beginning to break through the clouds onto the bustling people of Vue de mer city, drying the grass from the heavy dew the night before. The clock had just struck noon and many people were already out of their work-places and looking for a place to eat. Side-walks were packed but the roads were relatively clear, most people using bikes to get back and forth meant that traffic-jams were extremely rare, if they ever even occurred. Tawara weaved swiftly between his fellow bikers, his steam engine fizzing and hissing loudly. His stomach growled, despite his lack of actually doing any work this particular day - people weren't for pizza today, and thus there was no need for a pizza delivery man. Even if he did work that day, not like it was that difficult to carry pizzas around. Into his focus came a small bakery, and the aroma instantly hit his nose. Mixed with the relaxing humidity the smell was intoxicating. He rolled over onto the side-walk and carefully darted between crowds of people until he was inside the parking lot. Putting a foot out to stand while he adjusted a glove, Tawara stared at the people inside through the windows. Looked pleasant enough, why not stop for a bite? He turned his head and a hollow pop erupted from him before he through his head back and shook off his cramps. Riding his bike often left him stove-up, though it was just as relaxing so he'd never give it up. The door jingled as he stepped inside and poked a cigarette into his mouth. He smiled and walked over to the counter where he looked through the glass and around the bakery at the many treats. Unable to decide he looked up to see if anyone was immediately available, should there be he'd ask for a suggestion. Life was bustling once again under the bright sun. Vue de Mer City beaming with life as rush-hour past by. The sidewalks were packed, though because ninety percent of the population used motor-bikes, the streets were relatively empty - traffic jams are extremely scarce, also. The air was a tad musky because of the thick dew drying from lastnight. A firmament that hung over Perles Cachees kept all of the continent nourished, and rain-fall was little to nonexistent. It was a beautiful place to live and die - if you also enjoyed riding unicorns and swimming in rainbows. Sometimes it crossed Tawara's mind that it was just a little too perfect, though he'd never really known anything else so he didn't really complain. In his entire life he'd never known anyone that'd gone outside the horizon, there was never really a need to. Everything that humans could love was found therein. Like food. Not food like pizza - the kind he had hanging off his back - but real food. Rush hour was barely underway and the sidewalks were already packed with people. Luckily the streets were relatively clear, even for a place like this, where everyone used steam-bikes - making traffic-jams virtually improbable. Tawara had no trouble weaving between his fellow bikers and around the crowds that had decided to wander into the streets. This time of day usually meant that he'd be busy delivering none-stop, as any restaurants would be, though for some reason the pizza hype for this summer was dying out early, so he only had what was on his back left to deliver as far as he knew, then it was time for him to get his own lunch. Tawara glanced through his goggles down to his pocket where he reached in and gathered a little note with an address scribbled on it. It flapped furiously between his fingers' grip, forcing him to slow down enough that he could read the poorly drawn characters. "733 Camilla Drive" Tawara looked back up from his slow-roll and spotted the street sign "Camilla" just ahead. Turning he began counting off the number-markers. Several minutes past and he finally saw the "733" and put a leg out, killing the motor as he rolled over the sidewalk. "A bakery?" he questioned, looking through the window at the persons inside, and the many treats. "Suppose donuts get old..." His skull-bucket popped loose and revealed his gray and white hair, which he shook loose as he placed a cigarette between his lips and strolled over to the door. A chime sounded as he stepped inside and looked around. "Pizza." He blandly stated, looking for whoever it was that was going to receive it. [/hider] [hider=face-reference for my character at the time][img=https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR4MUVwnacvc4XmIX6y5g3kBk02L3KkZ4Rtxdi5qGe1gCZT-ACS][/hider] Now, I don't have any samples from others' posts, so you can't see the contrast in characters, but believe me, it was nice. We'd face the challenge of creating that natural contrast in characters from just our two minds. Something else you should notice is the laid-back, "slice of life" tone this post takes. I think it will also beautifully contrast later-on with the darker tone the plot will gradually take. We will proceed from happy and bustling, to panicked and scurrying.