Doubt, that was definitely one thing racing through the Gul's mind at this moment. Everything that could possibly be scarified to get here, had been, Far too many people had died just to get to this point, and thus far, it had been for naught. There was no grand armada of Starfleet ships, standing side-by-side with their Klingon allies, there was nary as single ship for light years. Yet, this was were the supposed staging point of the Federation. All that lay before him was a great big nebulae, that stretched on for lightyears. Standing up from his perch, upon the Commander's chair he walked over to where the Nebulae was represented on the viewing display. "Ping the entire Nebula." he ordered, his subordinates immediately doing as told, and moments later a sensor ping attempted to scan the area, only to be denied it's only purpose in life. Karn didn't need to be told what this meant, he knew all to well about Nebulae such as this one. Sensor would simply not work in this kind of environment. The Klingons, Federation, and the Romulans could all have a secret base of operations inside this very nebula, while neither one of them would know of the others existence. "Take us in." he ordered, "it's not that big, an entire armada can't be that hard to find."