Weisse was that caught up in thought that he hardly reacted to anything until the knock on the door. [i] Who could that be? [/i] But, of course, Nikita got there first, allowing a character that he would much rather keep outside in. "Takeshi Maekama. To what do we owe this... suprise?" He said in a voice not quite cold, but not quite welcoming either. He walked over to the door, glancing subtly at Nikita and Tala, before continuing in a stiff, formal tone. "Herr Maekama, if you would please come in." Then, in a warmer tone "Goodnight, Tala. Goodnight, Nikita. Keep safe." When those two had cleared out, he called Daniel over. "Don't try anything funny. I'm still jumpy from what happened." Weisse turned to Takeshi again, his hand resting on his rapier's hilt. He wasn't trying to intimidate the older boy, simply remind him to keep himself in check. Takeshi reminded him, in some ways, of his sister. Cocky. Suave. Self-assured. He played with girls' hearts like a kitten with a ball of string. "What is it?"