[CENTER][img]http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRb5jzX_7AHCC_89D0XBjtQaN9qFRo9cr4c8V-OqS7lak9faUCyNenpVVh0[/img][/CENTER] Let Germany's stance in the Balkan question be completely unambiguous; We stand entirely at the side of our ally and we support them in their effort to bring justice to Ferdinand's murderers, direct and indirect, and to prevent any similar attack from the Slavist extremist cliche from ever taking place again. But all the same we hope that our support will be irrelevant, for this is truly a question between the House Habsburg and the Serbian kingdom. Responsibility for justice in a crime of a minor nation, such as Serbia, against a great power, such as Austria-Hungary, lies in the hands of the great power, being Austria-Hungary, and no one else. Should anyone try to impose on the rights of Austria-Hungary, they shall have the German Empire to deal with as well. [b]His Imperial and Royal Majesty The German Emperor, King of Prussia, Wilhelm II.[/b]