I'm about 70% done with my CS. Just a quick question to make sure I didn't screw this up... Here are what I believe to by my stats. The character is a Lieutenant, meaning they have 11 points to spend. Is this correct? [Hider=Stats] [b]Reiryoku (2/4) [/b] Reiatsu (2/4) Kido Power (2/4) [b]Zanjutsu (0/4)[/b] Offense (0/4) Defense (0/4) Physical Strength (0/4) - This only applies to the power and endurance of applying Zanjutsu. It indicates the power behind swings and thrusts made by one's weapon. [b]Hakuda (4/4)[/b] Offense (2/4) Defense (1/4) Physical Strength (4/4) - This only applies to the power and endurance of applying Hakuda. It indicates the power behind strikes and blows made by one's body. [b]Kido (3/4)[/b] Intelligence (4/4) Knowledge (2/4) [b]Hoho (2/4)[/b] Mobility(2/4) 11 Talents 19 Skill Points (3+1+8+5+2) [/Hider]