Bolin wasn't really pleased with his own emotions either. Korra had hurt him, she didn't mean to but that didn't make his heart ache any less. He knew things were difficult for Korra and he wanted to support her as best he could. His feelings were hard to ignore but he was trying to push them aside because they were what got him into trouble the last time. He didn't want to get hurt again and he needed to move on. That was logical, it made sense. It just wasn't what he wanted and it made things incredibly difficult for the earth bender who was trying to find the line between supportive friend and supportive possible boyfriend. But he didn't want keep letting his hopes get high and ultimately crash and break in front of his feet. [b]"I dunno, bro."[/b] He shrugged as Mako said something must still be there. His brother continued to talk about how he saw Korra with him and how weird it made him. The two brothers continued to walk. It was their usual mode of transportation before having met Korra and Asami so it wasn't a big deal for either fit pro bender. Bolin glanced around to see people rebuilding but with the sun slipping away, most people were taking a break and enjoying what peace they had. He glanced to Mako as he then mentioned how he was a big ladies man and how he attracted a lot of female fans and how Korra was a surprise. [b]"What? Come on, you know how awesome she is, when I first met her, it felt like sparks were flying!"[/b] He smiled though it fell a little as he thought about her a little bit more. [b]"I thought we got along really well and I thought I had a shot but you sort of changed that."[/b] He shrugged and glanced off. Thanks to the training at the police academy, Bolin was learning to advocate more for himself. It was a challenge but he couldn't be a wimp and chase down bad guys. While Mako was his brother and he loved him, Bolin couldn't deny he had some anger pent up against Mako, as well as Korra. [b]"I know it's not your fault you two got so close but,"[/b] He sighed and looked back to Mako. [b]"It was just really low to hear you say you weren't interested one day and then the next you change your mind and kiss her!"[/b] His tone wasn't angry or spiteful, it was passionate and clear headed. [b]"It wasn't cool at all. You knew how I felt and regardless of how she didn't like me back, you still shouldn't have kissed her. If you told me you liked her, I would have tried to stay away but instead you did the opposite of what a friend, a brother would do, you got close to her and hurt me and Asami."[/b] Bolin said. [b]"You were selfish've taken care of me for so long that I don't blame you for wanting someone else, for being selfish hurt. I love you, you're the only family I've got but...I'm going to try and take care of myself so you don't have to worry so much and so maybe you can enjoy dating or whatever."[/b] He really wasn't sure if what he said made much sense but Bolin wanted to try and make sense of why Mako acted so horribly. Was it possibly because Mako needed something new? It still didn't make what he did right. But Bolin didn't want to keep talking about the past since it couldn't be changed. [b]"I don't really know if Korra and I can ever be together, if it's gonna make you weird then I don't want to risk it. I care about both of you but not so much that I'd want to push one of you away."[/b] He said. He looked up and saw the bakery coming into view. He knew Mako felt bad for what he did but he just needed to get things off his chest. It was time both of them grew up and took responsibility, not just for themselves but for their city and future. - - - Perhaps if Korra had spent less time fooling around, she may have noticed how Bolin looked at her and how Mako really didn't. All Asami could really do was listen to the Avatar own up to her mistakes. It was better than denying them and pushing them under a rug. Bolin was a great guy. Having living in the city, Asami knew how rare and precious that was. She didn't have much pity for Korra who managed to grab the attention of not one good guy, but two. Even so, Asami knew how hard things were for Korra when she had lost her bending. Asami didn't think she'd be able to handle bending, let alone having it taken from her. The most she could relate to was having her mother killed and now her father locked up for turning down a horrible path. It was apparent that Korra had very little experience with guys. To her knowledge though, from what she had been told, Bolin bought Korra cute gifts and complimented her on a daily basis, how could the boy be anymore obvious? [b]"I guess to me, his intentions were obvious, Bolin I mean. You wrote him off as a friend right away? It doesn't really matter now though. Bolin has been around many girls. You'd expect Mako to have flocks of women but he usually pushes them away and it's Bolin who has the fanbase. I mean he's funny and handsome and sweet, girls around here are probably jealous of you for more than one reason."[/b] Asami noted. [b]"But considering your lack of knowledge, you can't be blamed too much for not seeing the signs, sadly Bolin who is usually upfront with women became sort of a puddle of jelly around you...I'd still advise you learn a little more about boys and girls before you try doing any real dating."[/b] It was weird to think someone as good looking as Korra really had no idea how to really flirt or date. Then again, Korra was rather masculine in most situations, it wouldn't do her harm to tone things down a little so she was more approachable. [b]"Maybe I should take you shopping sometime..."[/b] It was slightly random, considering the topic at hand but she really didn't want to talk about poor Bolin or Mako anymore. [b]"While blue looks nice on you, I'm sure your skin would look great in something olive or cream colored."[/b] She smiled a little. She looked up to see Mako and Bolin walking across the street. She figured it would be time to go or maybe they could all go over to her house for some dinner. [b]"Hey guys."[/b] She stood up and looked to Korra. [b]"See Mako, I said they'd be okay! He thought you two would be pulling each other's hair out or something!"[/b] Asami rolled her eyes and smirked. [b]"Oh you just missed our cat fight..."[/b] She folded her arms. "We were rolling around and everything."[/b] She said sarcastically. [b]"How about you two come back to my place for dinner?"[/b] She asked, changing the subject. Bolin grinned at the mention of food and looked to Korra. He'd love to go but only if she wanted to, it would be bad form to leave her all alone, after all. Asami was a little weary of Korra and Mako together but she had Bolin at least, in case things got out of hand. They had all been friends once, hopefully it wasn't impossible to try again. - - - He looked awful. As she expected he would. It still didn't make her feel any better. His anxiety and stress were easy to pick on. She was close enough to him to empathize without much strain on herself. She could feel his weakened mind and body and she really did wish she had come sooner. [b]"Of course."[/b] She nodded when he placed his hand over hers and said how he was glad she came. Lin followed him inside and observed what everyone was doing. She could relate to them, having lost her mother herself. Lin was in a dark place after that incident but it was Tenzin who helped pull her out of it and she hoped the kids would also come out without too much damage. Tenzin spoke to her as the two of them went to unpacking the items and such. Lin glanced to Tenzin a small smile taking form. [b]"You don't need to explain anything to me."[/b] She pointed out to him, a little insulted that he felt the need to apologize about appearances and such. Soon though, Tenzin was summoned by his ailing wife which left Lin alone with the kids. It wasn't a comfortable situation under normal circumstances but she was here to make life easier for Tenzin and the kids, even if it meant making life difficult for herself. Lin finished getting the bowls ready and looked down to Ikki when she spoke up. Lin was silent for a moment because she hadn't expected such a sour, near sarcastic question to be asked. Tenzin's children were always polite, well almost always. It was annoying but at the moment, she'd rather be bombarded with drool and sticky fingers than deal with them in their darkest hour. It brought up memories of losing people they loved, Aang and Toph and Sokka and everyone else. [b]"I'd be careful, you're starting to sound like me."[/b] Lin said as she moved from the kitchen, into the dining room. She set the bowls down and helped set the table. Giving them some normalcy would help, rather than not. [b]"I'm not doing that well actually, my best friend's family isn't doing well..."[/b] She said as she moved back into the kitchen with Ikki. Lin could tell the young child was struggling to accept everything as it was. And it was hard. An unknown disease that seemed to be draining the life out of two of her family, made no sense at all. When things are usually preventable, this wasn't. The only upside was that it didn't seem contagious which made the police woman rather intrigued. Other cases were slowly popping up but there was no connection. If it was just Tenzin's family, it would seem more deliberate. [b]"Why don't you rally the others and I'll go make sure your parents get something to eat? I'll be right back."[/b] She grabbed three bowls carefully, and went off to see them. After going down a long hallway, she found the master bedroom and pushed her way in gently. [b]"You need to eat something and as you know, I don't like taking no for an answer."[/b] She said as she set the bowls down on the bedside table. She saw Meelo laying beside his mother, as it seemed logical to let them rest in the same room. Lin saw how sick they looked and if she didn't know any better, she would say Tenzin looked almost as awful. [b]"Is there anything I can do?"[/b] She asked. She would discuss later with Tenzin, about the idea of him getting aid for sleep. If he got rest she may feel better about informing about three other cases of the same sickness infecting those in the city. For now, she had to follow leads herself without making a fuss and getting the family worked up.