"Hey Rika," Tsuki said, smiling. She gave a quick nod. "Yeah, that's me." She didn't say anything after that. She watched Rika look all around, feeling a bit lightheaded but nothing that was going to make her fall flat on her face. Tsuki turned, looking over her shoulder, her eyes in a squint. Nope. Nobody else was coming in. Whatever. Tsuki sighed. "I dunno, Rika-chan," Tsuki said with a dotting hint. "We don't even know what this girl looks like. We've only heard her voice yanno. Not much to go on." To her, this wasn't a game. It was a weird situation that was becoming increasingly more nervewracking by each passing minute. While the smart thing to do would be to find someone else... the paint fumes and Rika's eagerness won out. Tsuki decided to take a risk. "Alright, alright." She said with a mock-exasperated look. "Yeah, let's keep looking. See if this is a dead end. But stay with me okay? If there's any sign of trouble, we book it back to the entrance. You get me?" She shrugged, hands still in pockets, motioning down the hallway.