Kotori squeezed past Hymn as well, her gaze sweeping methodically from one side of the hallway to the other as she pondered what to do next. The boy was right - it'd probably be in their best interest to search for survivors now, while the violinist was busy strangling Mairu. (She made a mental note to thank the other girl later - she really did make for a great diversion, if anything.) But how were they going to get past the monster, anyhow? She supposed they could just run for it, but she somehow doubted it was a good idea. Kotori supposed someone could give it a shot, but that someone was most definitely not going to be her. The girl shot Ryuko a dirty look as she started to complain, however - was it [i]really[/i] her business to complain about everything while swearing obnoxiously? "Could you... [i]please[/i] complain later?" Kotori managed to say in an obviously restrained voice, "You can do whatever you want once we're out of [i]mortal danger[/i] and away from that... thing." [i]What a... bitch,[/i] she thought, for lack of better words, [i]Hymn's plan [b]is[/b] really bad, but she's not being helpful, either.[/i] Kotori was tempted to ask her if she could think of a better plan herself, but stopped herself from doing so. [i]No. There are going to be [b]no[/b] arguments in this group. At all. That... girl, whatever her name is, is [b]not[/b]. Going to. Ruin. This.[/i] Seeing that the rest of the group just looked useless to her for the most part, she started to wonder if she should just go investigate the rest of the rooms herself. Kotori knew it would be a rather irrational move on her part, but... [i][b]No[/b],[/i] she thought to herself, [i]There is no way I'm going. At all.[/i] ...Unless someone else went with her, of course. Then, at least, she would have someone to use as bait for the monster if it came to that. (Kotori shrugged the idea off for the most part - that was rather unlikely to happen, wasn't it?) Kotori felt slightly nervous, but tried her best to hide the fact. "I'm going to search the other rooms," she whispered, mostly to Hymn (and ignoring Ryuko) as she tried not to attract the violinist's attention too much. "I think I need someone to go with me."