[b]--Character Sheet--[/b] Ronan "Black Arrow" Briggs [hider=Image][img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/175/6/3/the_archer_by_cyrilt-d3jv6dq.jpg][/hider] Ronan was a career soldier, from a family of the same. He was trained by his father, a great general, from the age of twelve to be a keen fighter and a clever tactician. At the age of sixteen Ronan was fighting among the ranks of the royal army, and by the age of twenty-five he was part of the King's Guard, an elite fighting force dedicated to the protection of the crown. However on the eve of his thirtieth birthday, everything changed for him - the Dark Lord of the north was cut down by a sprog of a boy, barely eighteen, who had been chosen by fate to save the land. What utter rot, he thought. From that moment Ronan saw himself becoming increasingly redundant - the King's guard was replaced by a small core of ten or so heroes, blessed by fate, magic and God himself with the uncanny knack for solving any problem so long as someone called it a 'quest'. Soon after, the militant church orders and the paladins they had been training for years beat back the undead on the southern border. The kingdom was at peace, and Ronan hated every second of it. He was not a particularly eloquent man, nor a great scholar, nor could he build much with his hands. Ronan knew how to fight, and knew how to win, but that was all. So he took to the forests, hunting, along with fifty or so of his close friends among the King's Guard. Soon they found that the deer and rabbits couldn't sustain them - they needed something more. Money, at least, for supplies and resources to build shelters. So in a moment of desperation they robbed a merchant caravan that had become lost in the woods. The money paid for a roof over their heads for when the rain came... and Ronan found his new calling in life, as the leader of the Black Arrow Bandits.