[b]Akiko Ikamochou[/b] [img= http://i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u410/Limeyreptile/ShinigamiLady.png] [Hider=Basic Info]Name: Akiko ‘Aki’ Ikamochou Appearance: Akiko stands at a flat six foot, and is surprisingly beautiful for a member of the twelfth division. She has straight, red hair that is nearly always maintained in a long tail that trails down to the arch of her spine. Her face is smooth and without blemish, save for a single scratch next to her right eye which only narrowly misses the eye itself. She wears a pair of rectangular glasses, electric blue in colour, which frame her own green eyes. Her skin is a fairly pale peach, indicative of spending far too much time inside. Despite her paler than average skin, Akiko is considered a very attractive woman. She is taller than average, with a prominent hourglass figure, large breasts and a full derriere. Perhaps most attractive of all though, is the confidence she displays as she moves. She walks with a certain purpose that makes her sway as she walks, and the strength she carries herself is considered a boon. Age: 218 Race: Shinigami (durr) Rank: 12th Division Lieutenant. Spiritual Pressure Color: Emerald Green [b]Personality:[/b] [i]”What am I doing tonight? Well, I need to synthesise a new Reiatsu protein that I can then graft onto the hardened KN4Z crystal and then, through a process of...Wait, where did you go?”[/i] Akiko is, at her best, a driven, intelligent and highly likable individual and at her worst, an obsessive, dangerously callous individual with apathetic tendencies and a disdain for failure of any kind. To most people, Akiko is a light hearted individual with a penchant for pure logic. When presented with a problem, she tackles it with her mind before tackling it with her body: and sometimes, when people present abstract questions, she misconstrues them in their literal, logical and connotation-less state. As someone gets to know Akiko, they discover that she has a number of…quirks. Key amongst them is a desire to be the best she can be, as well as an overall abhorrence for failure of any kind. This obsessive chase for perfection has led to some of her greatest achievements, as well as her moments of greatest hubris. While she is rarely a prideful individual in the open, she has been known to be highly competitive in matters that mean something to her, most notable among these being mentally challenging games: such as chess. Akiko’s cold demeanour changes dramatically in the presence of her captain: A man she has an unhidden obsession with and who she does little to hide her affections for, despite his status as a married man. On many occasions, she can be seen following the man and taking any request or offhand comment he takes as an order, with sometimes hilarious results. She is unfailingly loyal to the man, and is willing to endure any task he should give her. The main thing that distracts Akiko’s time is her work in the Shinigami Research Division. As the Lieutenant of the Twelfth division, she is seen as a sort of Vice-president figure by many, and she is known to lead a group of researches in a branch focusing on ‘Combat prowess enhancement and physical augmentation.’ She takes to her work there with as much focus and attention as she would give a direct order from Captain Zume himself. [b]History:[/b] [i]”My real life began when I died. In the human world, I was unchallenged. In this world, I surpass myself on a weekly basis. How many humans can say the same thing?”[/i] In humanity, Akiko was anything but average. Considered a prodigy from a young age with the trinity of intelligence, wealth and good looks: Akiko quickly became a figure of considerable interest in whatever she did: be it education, occupation or attempts at sexual subjugation. She strove to be the best in everything she did and, rather more often than not, she succeeded. Things took a turn for the boring when she found that she’d mastered everything she ever set out to do: She had money beyond need; legions of men and women who would do anything for but a glimmer of appreciation and she’d managed to excel in the field of medical and biological science. Human life was mundane, boring and horrible. On one drive home, Akiko was involved in a very severe car crash. She was T-boned by a drunk driver, and died in the back of an ambulance. Her existence ended in a whimper and a flicker, all of her talents and skills undone in an instant. Death was apparently not what Akiko had expected. In life, she was an atheist with little expectations of an afterlife and with no weight put into ghosts or the spirits of the dead. It didn’t take her long to find out that she [i]was[/i] a spirit of the dead: as she was filed into Rukongai, she complained about being hungry. Unbeknownst to her, the fact that she experienced any hunger at all indicated she had potential as a Shinigami, and she was quickly placed in the academy route for becoming a Shinigami. The academy treated her well enough: but she did not excel in her second life as much as she did her first. The rules had changed entirely: and now her earthly traits meant very little in the grand scheme of the Shinigami tutelage: Her earthly money meant nothing, her human talents were wasted and it seemed that Shinigami were naturally chosen from the more attractive crop, because even as a beauty she didn’t shine. The only trait she had left from her human life was that of her intelligence. She did well in the academy due to her intelligence and her quick grasp of basic concepts that took other students longer to understand. Sadly, she was no prodigy with the sword, but she was still earmarked to succeed in the academy. During her time at the academy, a visit from the acting captain of the twelfth division: Zume Tatasuko, led to a drastic change in Akiko's perspective. Whether the meeting was by fate or by design, she does not know. Yet the fact is the man left a considerable impression on her. It started simply enough, with Zume Tatasuko giving a lecture to the trainees about the importance not just of Hakudo, or Kido, but of the importance of the mind. He explained in great detail the difference between a smart Shinigami and a one who could swing a sword well. Most seemed bored of the detailed analysis of the Shinigami arts, but Akiko was enthralled by it. The man’s natural charisma and intelligence captured Akiko’s attention unlike anyone she had met in either side of her life. She needed to know more: to test the depths of this man’s knowledge and wit. So, after the lecture was over, she approached the captain while he answered individual questions, and she challenged him to a game of chess. One of her instructors tried to shoo away Akiko, but the captain seemed amused and interested in the unusual challenge. Akiko found a board and set it up, taking black while Zume took white. The game lasted a handful of minutes, each figure taking no longer than a dozen seconds to decide a move. To an outsider, it looked like a fairly rushed game of chess, but to the two intellects at the board: it was a fierce clash of wills. Each felt out the other’s moves, probing for weakness or for pattern in the movements. Eventually, Zume took the game. He won the game handily enough, with both rooks still in play, compared to Akiko’s meagre pawn and king: yet it was far closer than most would have expected from a trainee Shinigami. Akiko felt a mix of horror and awe at the loss, and was seemingly paralysed until the Captain filled the silence. "You play well, Akiko, though your strategies do have several deficiencies that you could work on. Remember your mistakes and strive not to make them again. Perhaps next time we meet you'll play a better game." Akiko watched in stunned silence as the man left, and she felt then a certainty as to the path she would take. This was the man who would help her better herself. This was a man worth serving: a man of true worth. So Akiko continued her training in the academy, passing with exceptional marks in every discipline save Zanpakuto use, where she was decidedly average. Upon being given a chance to choose a division to serve under, she made the obvious choice of working alongside Zume as an unseated member of the Twelfth division. She quickly made a name for herself in the division, and within the second decade she procured herself a seated position. Her rank continued to ascend, until she petered out at the ninth seat of the division. The fact she was stuck in that seat for a number of years was an incredible bugbear for her, and she put it down to her inability to call upon Shikai: something that many seated officers could already do. She was unsure how to go about developing her skills with the blade, and refused to ask for advice on awakening the blade; despite the easier time that asking would have awarded her. It was a matter of pride for her, to be able to master this aspect of being a Shinigami on her own. She tried many times to undertake the act of communicating with her Zanpakuto through the act of Jinzen, but each time she was left unable to concentrate on the act. Her mind was too full to hear the Zanpakuto, and in frustration she always failed the art. Finally, through a moment of inspiration, Akiko was able to commune with her blade through Jinzen, but only after the weapon tasted blood. Inside the realm of her Zanpakuto, she met the spirit of her sword, a blue skinned woman, surrounded by snakes. Having unlocked her Shikai, Akiko once again began to ascend up the ranks of seated officers, at a faster pace than ever before. Within a century of joining the division, Akiko was the third seat of the division, and poised to take the Vice-captaincy. She eventually challenged the Lieutenant in the only way prudent. She challenged them to a game of chess, with Zume as the judge. Akiko has remained the unchallenged Lieutenant ever since. [/Hider] [Hider=Zanpakuto and Capabilities] ~Zanpakuto~ Name: Mi-hounou Hebi (所産-捧持 蛇, Fruit-bearing Serpent) Type: Physical-Kido Hybrid, Poison subtype. [url=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/316/1/a/naga_queen_by_saryth-d4g0am0.jpg]Spirit Appearance [/url] [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/166/f/7/caverns_by_guzzardi-d693q1v.png]Inner World[/url] [url=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/005/f/e/wakizashi_by_zewormes-d36hyvp.jpg]Sealed Appearance:[/url] An elegant Wakizashi with a very simple circular guard and a red sheath and pommel. Shikai Release Command: Gift Shikai Appearance: The Shikai changes the Zanpakuto dramatically, in that it is no longer a blade at all. Mi-hounou Hebi becomes a pair of elbow length bracer/gloves that coat Akiko’s arms in an iridescent red. A web of spines cover the top-side of the gauntlets, all the way to the wrist, where they branch out to the knuckles which then forms into several protrusions, not unlike studded knuckles. These, unlike the rest of the gauntlet, are deep purple in colour. Shikai Skills: 1. Hakudo augmentation: The simplest and most obvious gift of the Zanpakuto is that it boosts Akiko’s already considerable threat in Hakudo by increasing her offensive and defensive capabilities. They do not make her physically stronger, however. 2. Envenomation: Along the spines of the Shikai is a very potent toxin that enters the body upon skin contact. Unlike most weapons of its type, this poisonous Shikai does not need to cut to poison the target: as the toxin is absorbed through the skin upon contact. While a single dose of the poison does not cause instant defeat, each dose will cause the target to become numbed, with the amount of doses needed varying from person to person. Suffice to say, each blow from Mi-hounou Hebi will make a fighter more sluggish and weaker, until they are rendered immobilised and unable to continue fighting. The toxin is non-lethal, although Akiko is less so. Bankai: Not Yet Attained. --- Above-average Reiryoku (2/4) –Much as one would expect of a Lieutenant, Akiko is competent with her mastery over her Reiryoku, although it is hardly something she spends time attempting to develop or focus on. She is competent in sensing, manipulating and using her Reiryoku: although she is hardly something worth writing home about. Above-Average Reiatsu (2/4)- Akiko is presents the amount of Reiatsu that should be expected of a Lieutenant. She doesn’t spend much time expending a great amount of Reistsu, as showing off is not her sort of thing, although she is talented enough in using it that she can damage any lieutenant and can stand in the presence of more powerful captains when they fully release their own Reiatsu. Above-Average Kido Power (2/4)- Akiko’s talents for Kido rank her as an adept at the arts. She is able to effortlessly cast any Kido below #33 without incantation, and she can cast any Kido below #62 without incantation at reduced effect. She seems to prefer Bakudō type Kido, although she is not against using Hadō by any means. ~ Abysmal Zanjutsu (0/4)- The talent she spends no time perfecting, Akiko is considered to be below average at Sword play in every regard. She makes up for this with her mastery of Hakuda though, so none really put it against her. Offense (0/4) –See above Defense (0/4)- See above the above. Physical Strength (0/4)- Seriously? ~ Grandmaster Hakuda (4/4)-Perhaps her most redeeming feature outside of her wit, Akiko is a monster at hand-to-hand combat, putting a number of even Onmitsukidō members to shame. She favours strength above all else, and is able to destroy buildings with a punch, if made sufficiently angry. Offense (3/4) –An increadibly versatile and intelligent fighter, Akiko’s offence is brutal, efficient and constantly probing the enemy for exploitable weakness. She is skilled in both physically debilitating punches and kicks, as well as strong grapples that can stop a fast-moving opponent in their tracks. Defence (3/4)- As powerful as her offence is Akiko’s defence. When she is forced into the defensive, Akiko is a formidable wall, who can use both her strength and the environment to her advantage. Physical Strength (4/4) – Most fierce of all her capabilities is Akiko’s physical strength. It is unknown why, but Akiko is a juggernaut of physical strength who can crush stone in her hand and who can effortlessly destroy buildings with her blows. She most often ends up using this monstrous strength to lift things out of the way of her captain, but in combat, Akiko's fists are not something easily ignored: as a few solid blows from the Lieutenant are enough to bring down most enemies. ~ Master Kido (3/4)-Perhaps due to her natural intelligence, Akiko took to learning Kido very quickly, mastering both incantioned and incantation-less Kido faster than most: even at Lieutenant rank. As stated above, she prefers binding arts. Intelligence (4/4)-Her most prominent human trait, Akiko is a vastly intelligent individual who can challenge even the greatest of minds: having only found a vastly superior intelligence in the man she idolizes above all else, captain Zume. Her mind works faster than most, and this gives her the distinct advantage on the battlefield. Knowledge (2/4)-The thing that holds her knowledge back is simply time. Akiko has spent less time than most being able to truly develop her knowledge of soul society, and as such she is only above average in terms of pre-existing knowledge. ~ Above average Hoho (2/4)- Much like the captain she idolizes, Akiko’s Hoho is above average, but only seems better than most because of the efficiency of her movements. Much like a chess game, she can predict hers and most other’s Shunpo movements several moves ahead, and she uses this knowledge to plan ahead. Mobility(2/4)-See above. [/Hider]